Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Pincombe Newsletter is almost writing itself

 Some times I start to write a newsletter and everything just falls into place. This appears to be one of those times. The latest Pincombe Chart to be published happens to have a line incorrect and the individual providing information actually belongs on a different Chart. Working my way through that and then to have a look at the assumed grandfather to see what happened to his line. I think I may actually finish this newsletter in time. 

Heavy rain last night from the latest named storm "Laura" and it is needed rain once again as our lawns were drying up once again. I am waiting for winter; I have done enough gardening. However, I will rake the leaves when they come down and clean up all the flower beds before snow does come. But actual gardening - pruning, cultivating that is now in the past. At nearly 75 years of age my summer of gardening in a routine thorough way has now finished!

I think the Black Walnut tree grew over night. All that rain must have given it a new leap in size. I soon will not be able to see much of the sky through the leaves of all the trees including our own maple at the very back of our yard. It has also grown and is quite huge. We planted that maple from an errant seedling that we found in the yard. It is likely a daughter of the maple up the street but it has grown up in this heavy clay and fairly resistant to any disease thus far. It is literally huge this year or maybe I am just more observant. It actually had bird families nesting in it this year. Usually the birds have picked the fir trees around us in other yards but this year a crow family came to stay for awhile. They have moved on now but it was fun watching them teach the four babies to fly and to feed on our bird feeder. Baby crows are very large birds surprisingly at a young age. 

Saturday, the last day of the week and my Church Service for tomorrow is in my email. I am hoping that this will go on forever although Church is due to come back this month I think. I have resisted becoming more informative on that particular item I probably could go on forever just enjoying the service every Sunday morning in my email box.

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