Monday, September 14, 2020

No happy ending to my fraud story yet

Will have to wait and see if the Bank is able to get my money back. Time will tell. All taken care of except for being minus almost $600 but it could have been worse and I guess that is the best way to look at it. People doing things like that are very annoying. One contemplates perhaps only briefly since it is rather unChristian that the correct punishment might be to remove a finger for each transgression but with the advent of voice recognition software they might just switch from manually doing such fraud to using voice recognition software for their miserable deeds.

 Ed was into the Civic Campus for an ultrasound today so my first trip down the Queensway in quite a while. I used to drive to the west end three days a week when I was working for the printers doing copyediting and proofreading. I would go in and pick up my work and then take it home to work on. My youngest child traveled with me and then used to sit beside me at the table working on her various tasks whilst I read. She liked painting, printing, colouring, join the dots and all such wonderful child work. Then we would take coffee breaks and watch one of the Star War Movies (usually in parts). She knew them off by heart when she was just three years of age. That was her favourite at three and then Rainbow Brite at four. For her school was a huge change and one that she did not initially enjoy at all. She was used to this organized day of singing our way through the alphabet and various nursery rhymes and hymns from my Anglican Hymn Book first thing before we started to work for half of an hour or so; I let her set that pace. Then the work sessions, lunch, a walk around the large block here (about 2 kilometres and we set a pretty quick pace for a small child hoping not to run into anyone who slowed us down!) and our coffee breaks. My older daughter would arrive home around four and then they would play with Lego, dolls, board games, cards etc. etc. When Ed arrived home we would have dinner which I somehow managed to prepare whilst doing everything else. I had this strict schedule of meals and my children and husband were so happy to take over the cooking as they grew older! I generally worked in the evenings after the children went to bed with 3 to 4 hours of work in the day with my daughter and four hours or whatever was needed in the evening. I put my children to bed rather early starting at 6 and gradually changing that as they grew older. 

Frost tonight so we will cover our peppers as they are in an exposed area. I am most enthusiastic to see frost coming and so early. The darkness at night now is also great. I am so looking forward to the winter and getting some work done - well I guess it is more recreation - as I have accomplished very little since the spring. I would like to finish my rephasing project with all the new matches (no particular changes thus far, just some tweaking) before the end of the year!

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