Monday, October 19, 2020

October has twelve more days

Time does march relentlessly onward carrying us with it. For the first time in my life we have to obey the march of nature. Everytime we veer away from the path that she has designed we pay for it. Our ingenuity  as homo sapiens is being tested to the limit these days. Appealing to Herd Immunity isn't going to save us just as it did not save all those people who died from Smallpox in the centuries before this time. We have to conform to a set of rules that will guide our society forward towards a vaccine and eventual riddance of this coronavirus COVID-19. Dr Fauci will likely be one of the greats of this millenium. Even at the age of 80 he stands tall and strong leading Americans as he has for more than fourty years but will they listen; will the world listen? Time always tells the tale. 

You have to be old like me; over 70 at least to remember the scourge of Smallpox and how it was defeated and remains defeated with a vaccine that gives us Herd Immunity. 

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