Monday, January 24, 2022

Beautiful morning and minus 30 degrees celsius

 How lucky we are to be inside and warm with the temperature minus 30 degrees outside. However, our ancestors managed very well by using what was available to protect themselves from the cold. Edward and I did do some wilderness type camping and it is interesting learning to survive on your own in the woods with just your tent and canoe and what you brought with you. Even the water was from a crystal clear lake in Northern Ontario. We mostly boiled it but sometimes I would drink it in wonder mostly that one could do that. That was fifty years ago and more now.

Yesterday was another perfect service on You-Tube with lots of singing and prayers that filled my heart with a sense of wonder that God has given us so much in this life and asks for very little back. Our admiration perhaps but mostly that we live by the commandments which Jesus brought to us - love God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbours as ourselves. Our neighbours are the whole world and only with love can we eliminate hunger, poverty and war. Most of all war because war creates hunger and poverty for so many. 

Today I shall hopefully resolve any difficulty there might be with my not being billed by Enbridge. Perhaps I am an alarmist but I need to check and not suddenly discover trouble brewing in the wings. Well I could not find the spot on the Enercare website just a general contact me so I went to Enbridge and talked to an agent online and told her about the problem of Enercare not being paid for the rent on the furnace and the water heater but the agent said that Enercare knew and it was okay as my bill should come out soon. Plus I have paid them so the money is there as soon as the bill is prepared. Good news and I can go on with my work such as it is! Important to me and used by others so is a progressive task that fills a void.

I also started a new file for the Probate Database at the Guild. This is my thirteenth submission and I have no idea how many wills I have transcribed since mid 2019. I realize that most days my life has been a bit of a blur for the last ten years ever since Edward took his first fainting spell/fall going up the steps at the back door after gardening. I am so glad I was there because he had been mentioning dizziness but this was a full blown passing out episode that lasted only a brief amount of time but was my first warning that not all was well in Edward's world. Up until then I just thought it was aging and we needed more exercise as he spent a lot of time at his desk. I also did but I am an up and down person so in any hour I probably am in motion for 10 to 25 percent of that time. My family always says I have ADHD undiagnosed! But in reality I am not impulsive. I tend to be organized and have good time management skills. I focus much too deeply on a task and I am a great multitasker. But I do have excessive activity and restlessness so if that criteria defines ADHD then I plead guilty. I suspect it is more autism than ADHD that governs my every day activities but again untested. The only thing I ever got diagnosed was the multiple sclerosis and I do not actually think I have that. I am much too healthy I think.

On to the day and I begin as always with breakfast.

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