Saturday, February 5, 2022

Canada strong and free

Tamara Lich has now spoken up and explained her reasons for this obstruction of Ottawa. She belongs to this notion that a province within Canada has a right to break up the country. Three (British Columbia and Newfoundland already existed as British colonies) of the provinces/territories were created by the British Colonies who dared to plan Confederation in the first place (although PEI did not join confederation initially). And of course British Columbia and Newfoundland came in later. The land belongs to Canada. Alberta does not go back to Confederation as Alberta but rather as a part of a grant of land to the founding provinces by treaty. So long as you get the history right I will listen to what you have to say but when it involves breaking up my country I no longer listen because the benefits to Alberta through the years of being part of Canada are huge. 

We have all struggled through COVID and its restrictions. This attitude of my way or no way is far more damaging to the economy than the heavy restrictions that we have undergone. The Trucker Convoy is a bunch of anarchists at the moment. They do not obey the rule of law even such a simple rule as the bylaw that states you must wear a mask in malls. Look at what they are doing to the people who live in the area (they finally sued them and great news for that). These people in the convoy and their backers live in some weird world that doesn't exist in real time to think that all restrictions can just vanish with no consequences. We have lived through far too much to undo it thoughtlessly. 

An endemic COVID-19 is coming likely and then we can go back and live our lives because we bothered to get vaccinated. Whereas the unvaccinated will continue to clog up our hospitals and our ICUs and  cost us a fortune to treat when a simple set of vaccinations would make them less susceptible to COVID itself and less likely if acquired to end up in the hospital. 

It would be nice if they did try to understand our history and get the convoy out of Ottawa.They are anarchists not worthy of air time anymore. You  have made your protest; now leave. They do not have anything sensible to say.

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