Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday and cleaning day plus some items to catch up on

Yesterday was meant to be Church time and rest time and I accomplished both. Church was especially meaningful to me although it usually is but I do love the Trinity Service. 

I did work away a little on the Blake Newsletter continuing to check out sources of the Subsidies for Somerset between 1450 and 1550 to aid me in looking at the parentage of Humphrey Blake who was buried in 1558 in Over Stowey and said to be born in Bishops Lydeard. I need to go to the Family History Library and see what is online for these subsidies to see if they can aid me in my quest. 

Cleaning day once again and I shall begin after breakfast. It is a never ending cycle but is pretty straightforward as the number of items is diminishing slowly around me. My mother did that; she gradually downsized although I know my brother who managed all of that had a garage full of items after she died. One acquires so much during one's lifetime even if you are basically a minimalist simply because people give you things - you do not even have to buy all of it yourself!

Today a couple of letters to write to continue to help with downsizing and work on the Blake Newsletter along with the cleaning. The computer work happens in my rest times. 

The sun is shinning brightly and the garden just keeps coming along nicely with all this rain. I suspect we will lose some of it to the rabbits but in the meantime it does look very nice. The big weeds are more attractive to the rabbits at the moment then the small plants coming up. Once the plants are large there are a lot of them so unless a huge group of rabbits enters there will likely be some for us. Tomato and pepper plants growing nicely and the grass has really filled in with all this rain and cooler weather. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. Russia is such a greedy nation with their gloating over high energy prices as they kill the Ukrainian civilians and steal their land and possessions (Russia is already the largest land mass in the world). One wonders how people who are supposedly human can be so despicable - one of the attributes of humanity is that we are humane. Putin and his enablers will go down in history for the murderous thieving tyrants that they are.

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