Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Surely not again what is there to protest?

Why does the Freedom Convoy think that they can spoil the Canada Day events? Surely they had their time in the sun here protesting. I do hope they simply turn them away where the main highway enters into Ottawa. You still have your greatest freedom inside your own four walls when you are alone and if that is what you want then stay home. After that your freedom is limited by the rights of those around you.   Freedom 100% is inside your own four walls people; stay home and let the Canada Day celebrations happen and be enjoyed by people who want to celebrate and not complain needlessly about vaccines. Vaccines came over two hundred years ago and have saved millions of lives. Of course there is always a list of things that people complain about but who wants to hear that on Canada Day. No one is listening but the deluded people who follow the Freedom Convoy; they are just in it for the free money that is thrown their way by anarchists likely in other countries who just love to create violence. 

Worked on the Kipp Newsletter yesterday along with cleaning. It is amazing in a way life now with robots to do the cleaning although I still vacuum one floor while the robot does the other. Today is the basement and then finished once again for the week. Sometimes 1400 square feet seems like a huge place (mostly actually as I like the one room concept) when you have to clean it all. Gradually we have downsized and one would hardly recognize this house without all of those books (now enjoyed by others) in their massive towering bookcases (and the bookcases went as well to help with storing them). Still have bookcases but they are three shelves and not that many books now. I love books too but too many can be overwhelming. Edward would be pleased that his books have gone to help so many people with their genealogy and to give lots of good reading to others. 

I would like to get back to working on my DNA charting as I realize that genealogy is now something I do not really do. I did put the family tree together backwards in time but have left any of the tracing down to my sister who enjoys genealogy. I like working with the DNA; it is quite fascinating. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. Can Russia be hurt financially? Are we not simply increasing the nationalization of Russia so that no foreign companies operate there? The Russian people will have to choose between the Nazi Putin and his enablers and freedom. For under Nazism there is no freedom. China has shown us that there can be some freedom under communism although the communal life is not for most of the world but Nazism is pure evil because it inflicts such horror on their neighbours in their greed for land and wealth.

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