Monday, August 1, 2022

August and a beautiful sunny day

Another beautiful sunny day and just 19 degrees celsius thus far. It is cleaning day and I shall start very shortly. 

Yesterday was a relaxed and quiet day. I worked on the Pincombe entries that I found in the Protestation Returns eliminating another couple that were interesting in their spelling but not likely Pincombe/Pinkham family members. I am left with about a dozen new items that I did not discover when I checked Stoate's book in 2008 in Salt Lake City. Having the original images available on the parliamentary website is really a bonus. 

I will continue to work on these new items as I check the Subsidies for each of the villages/towns and also the donations given to the rebuilding of St Pauls Cathedral in 1687 as there is an extensive set of those documents also online. Along with the parish registers I may yet get a more complete picture of the Pincombe/Pinkham families in the 1500s. 

This will be a quieter week as we prepare for Edward's Celebration of Life. All of the service is prepared but we need to say goodbye to Edward in our own way as we have kept his urn here in his Memorial Room for the last year and a half. The room will continue as such whilst we go through all of his research material and decide how best to handle all of that. But gradually the downsizing is reaching into that material as well. Edward's genealogical endeavours have stretched over more than 55 years of his life so he has been through all of the different media in his pursuit of his family lines. Initially his interest was primarily Kipp but hints from his mother also sent him looking into his mother's Link family. Hence there is an enormous collection of material on his many family lines. 

Kayaking kept us busy on the weekend with two outings and two good long walks. The path at the local beach is new to me and has been a marvelous walk each day of kayaking and I expanded it yesterday when I discovered that I could have a circular route which takes about ten minutes to complete. I will work up to four times around the circle to give me a really good walk of about four kilometres. My foot is steadily improving and I should be back to running fourty minutes a day in the fall. At the moment I run about ten minutes just to keep those muscles well oiled!

I did do some gardening just to clean up the front beds and also the lawn has been cut for the first time in July. This has been a very dry month but part of it is the huge trees around us that soak up all of that moisture before the tiny grass routes get a chance. I did do some watering but again I am just watering the trees so not a lot of that. The lawn does not look too bad but does have quite a few brown/yellow spots. 

I want to get to the Family History Library this month to look at the Somerset subsidies. That will help with the Blake family there. A lot of people have worked on this family but most want to take this line back to just one particular Blake and I can not find information particularly on this Blake member. There are at least seven known progenitors of the Blake lines in the British Isles so I tend not to go with this research particularly as it was initiated by Horatio Gates Somerby. I need more verification of his work before I will accept it as correct in any area. Already it has been discounted in the Andover Blake line although many still continue to persist with the idea in spite of the wills left by this family. 

On to breakfast and the cleaning has begun. Today the robot does the top floor and I do the main floor. Alternating works very well actually as I had thought I might buy a second robot but it is good to use the regular vacuum as well as it can get into spots that the robot has a harder time handling. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. A grain shipment has left the port of Odesa.  Turkey has done a wonderful job working on this project but I expect they are also noting that the Russians want to own the Black Sea and Turkey and Russia also share a border and in days gone by part of Turkey was in the Russian Empire! I think everyone who shares a border with Russia should be nervous as the top echelon of power there does seem to have become quite mentally ill with their concepts of a Russian Empire and their imperialistic attempts to steal land from nations that have their own governments just because they were once part of the Russian Empire during the days of imperialism long since buried by most of the people of the world as an unworkable system in that it creates hatred for the mother country.

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