Friday, September 30, 2022

Yes, this is the key that Ukraine should use

Ukraine has applied to join NATO. That is the best answer to Russia's illegal annexation of part of Ukraine. Ukraine should continue fighting; NATO should continue to supply them with arms/ammunition and anything else they need. Putin can rattle his nuclear arms threat all he likes but the resounding payback would be something he would not want to see but it would be his just desserts. The guessing game is what would NATO members do to Russia if they use a nuclear weapon? There are so many ways to hit Russia from all the different countries in the world. The effect of the nuclear bomb that Putin threatens to use would be felt in all the countries to the west of Ukraine and the prevailing winds spread it in a wide cone all over that western area (which of course includes Russia, China and all the countries in between (how disgusting to even threaten that). As usual Putin continues to be the most disgusting leader that Russia has ever had. The Russians need to rise up against him and eliminate him. They should not expect us to do that; it isn't our job to free their homeland from him; it is their job. Our job is to keep Ukraine supplied with everything they need to protect themselves and regain all the territory that belongs to Ukraine that Russia has stolen.      

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