Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Northern Lights

 Checked for Northern Lights last night but did not spot them. Perhaps tonight we might see them or not at all. I do love the Northern Lights. All of these natural phenomena are everything they are cracked up to be. It is sad that some countries (Russia in particular) have no interest in preserving our world in as much as we are able. It is strange really as they, like other northern nations, have the most to lose as the earth warms being a country close to the North Pole. But they are too busy trying to steal land and riches with no consideration for the peoples of that country namely Ukraine. Claiming that NATO is at fault is really quite wrong. NATO has not been an aggressive group. They simply try to keep the peace; too bad that Russia doesn't do the same. But they are Nazi thieves. We have seen what they did in 1945 as they stormed through Eastern Europe destroying as they went and laying claim to great swathes of land which they only let go because the Soviet Union fell apart because of greed and neglect and an ill timed war in Afghanistan. Russia rots from within because her people do not stand up to despots and crooks and make a better life for themselves. 

We in the Western Hemisphere want peace; we are tired of the wars of the Eastern Hemisphere that destroy our world. As we helped China in the 1930s and Russia in the 1940s so we help Ukraine in the 2020s as each was invaded by a Nazi regime bent on horror and destruction in their land grabs. Putin and his enablers are disgusting monsters.

Interesting all this discussion on prince and princess titles in the Royal Family of Britain. The cost of providing protection to HRHs is huge; we paid a large amount to protect Harry and Meghan when they stayed here for nearly three months after "quitting" the Royal Family. Why should protection be provided to children who live half way around the world; it really doesn't matter if they are in line for the throne; that shouldn't be the key reason as there are lots of people in line for the throne. Unless they are doing work for the Crown then they shouldn't be supported. I think Charles is smart to make the working royals group small and compact after all he has three more royals growing up in England who are already, on occasion, doing the work of Royals there and the years pass quickly. Personally given that Harry and Meghan did not make an effort to bring themselves and their children to Balmoral weekend with the Queen when she was obviously very weak then I think they really shouldn't be included in the distribution of titles after all they left the Royal Family willingly and in haste but still managed to come to England to do "their charity work." There is a lot of work that goes into being a Royal (and one notes they do it for the reigning monarch not themselves) and being on the other side of the globe bad-mouthing the Royal family isn't Royal work.

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