Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Why do I write my blog?

It has become a morning habit to write my blog; I didn't use to always write one daily. During COVID I wrote in my blog to focus the day and write my thoughts on a situation that was unique in my lifetime. Mostly I write the blog for myself although I do realize that I end up sharing those thoughts with anyone who reads my blog. As an introvert it is my way of talking; I prefer to talk with my fingers. 

One last day of cleaning and there will be three days a week for a few weeks as I clean out the closets. It is just a small amount in the basement and should be done before noon. Then I will work outside cutting down the plants in preparation for winter. The bags of leaves already prepared will make it easy for me to just toss the cuttings into each bag now that the bags have settled. 

The Bible Reading today was somewhat harsh. It was the story of the man who gave money to three servants as he went off to be crowned king in a country that did not want him. When he returned he rewarded those who earned him money and punished the one who did not. What does it mean? I have always wondered about that story. Of all the stories in the Bible I understand that one the least and in some ways I do not want to understand it I guess. It doesn't sound like God. Perhaps that is the meaning.

Glory to Ukraine in the upcoming battle for Kherson. We must prepare ourselves for Russia to perform a false flag nuclear happening I suspect. They are desperate for world opinion to shift; I think this is for China's benefit. They want China to help them; Iran is just a drop in the bucket to what China could do to assist them. But Russia as a country is now failing; sad to see actually as the history of Russia is ancient. No one wants to go down with that ship other than the other terrorist countries like Iran and North Korea. God speed Ukraine in their zest to protect the Ukrainian people and take back their land. More tools of war to help Ukraine to fight terrorism in our world for that is what Russia gives us - terrorism. Not all the people of Russia but they do not know how, it would appear, to stop the Nazis in their midst. 

Breakfast awaits. 

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