Tuesday, October 25, 2022

You could consider

These hundreds of thousands of young men who have fled Russia to avoid being sent to the illegal war against Ukraine should consider fighting on the side of Ukraine and ending the war even quicker so that they could go back home. Better than that help the underground movement in Russia to dislodge the present government so that you can put into place a government in Russia that has the interests of the people at heart and not ridiculous ideas about recreating the Soviet Union. 

Yesterday I accomplished a great deal of cleaning and today is more of the same. I want to do some reorganizing this week and a look at what else I can downsize to make my life less cluttered. Today I can see almost 50% of the sky out of my windows. It is a glorious sight and one that gets better and better as winter descends in this part of the world. One of these days the Black Walnut tree will make a decision to drop its leaves and it is a spectacular sight to see the yellow leaves falling to the ground almost simultaneously. Then the work begins of clearing away those leaves. Approximately 50% of our leaves come from next door that land in our back yard. 

God is so much a part of our lives and especially seen at the change of the seasons as we move quietly and gently from summer into fall gliding ever so gently into winter. Yesterday was a bit of summer but today is cooler definitely. There will still be a few more of those days in November and then the winter chill will descend.  

Interesting find in Poland in the Tunel Wielki cave which may lead to finding remains of Homo heidelbergensis. Such a find, if DNA could be extracted, would be phenomenal in the search for the ancestry of Homo sapiens as Homo heidelbergensis is thought to be the ancestor which eventually produced both Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. Exciting times ahead for sure in the land of DNA.

Other than that I have already breakfasted and it was, as always, a delicious meal to start the day. I love breakfast best of all. More cleaning awaits me. 

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