Thursday, October 6, 2022

Yesterday seemed liked a challenging day

Not sure why, but yesterday seemed like a challenging day. Perhaps today can lead us towards a more peaceful existence. This thought that there always has to be friction in the world seems weird and foreign to me as espoused by the Nazi Putin. Perhaps it is growing up in the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War was fought when I was young but it never went to a World War so to speak. The destruction left by the Second World War was perhaps the deterrent. But people have forgotten those miles and miles of bombed out places although we are getting a constant reminder with the war in Ukraine but it is still an isolated war with all of the manpower in these wars being the Ukrainians fighting for their homeland/freedom from Nazi terror and the Russian Nazis fighting to take their homeland away from them and committing horrendous war crimes in the process and to enslave them as a second class peoples like quite a few of the people in Russia are now. The elite in Russia appear to get everything and the second class citizens get to go to war and be slaughtered. That really is the way that it looks from the outside. But that isn't the way life should flow according to the evolution of man through time. Life should be affordable and there for everyone. That was what Runnymede was all about in 1216 in England. Democracy first showed itself there in England and of course we have democracy in Greece in an earlier time frame. That was the pinnacle of achievement for man; having the right to be his own master. It should be the pinnacle of achievement still - the right to be in charge of your life within the laws of your country. That was what Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev wanted for the Russian people - freedom. But Putin believes that Russia should be constantly at war and attaining the widest borders that it can achieve all the way back to the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War - but that is enslavement of millions of people. What right does Russia or any country have to do that in our new modern world - none. We must continue to arm Ukraine and give "tit for tat" if Russia uses a nuclear device or causes an existing nuclear device to detonate by bombing it or otherwise. As a people we owe it to ourselves to revenge ourselves and the generations to follow, if they survive, if the Russians do commit the sin of nuclear war (even limited nuclear detonations affect the entire world as the nuclear waste goes everywhere in the wind). 

Today I must settle into the Kipp Newsletter. Not much done yesterday in terms of that but lots of exercise as it turned out.

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