Sunday, June 25, 2023

New methodology working well

Yesterday was a busy morning on the Siderfin Book in between exercise periods. Looking at the 5th, 6th and 7th generations is going to work better than one at a time. There is a lot of miscellaneous material that James Sanders has in the book which concerns these three generations and I need to decide how much to put in and where to put it. Smoothing out the likely descent lines has worked out well and I am much more confident in what I have found in the various records. Certainly William ended up being a surprise but now neatly in his proper line I do believe. Since his line also ends with his children both deceased and no issue it probably in the great scheme of things was not that important but it is  nice to have him correctly in his line of descent. It does make everything more sensible as well since William did have property and it did not pass in the direction that one would think if he was descendant in the Robert-Line. Eventually the Robert-Line does benefit from its ancestry but not until several generations later as any property traveled down different lines to reach the Siderfin family later. And it was not an excessive amount of property overall. In general this family went from wealth to a lower level in just a generation! 

Our lovely subway dinner worked very well and we quite enjoyed it. Then off for a kayaking trip in the wetlands and a nice walk as well. We are likely locked in once again for this week coming as the smoke is back - forest fires in Quebec affect us the most and already the air quality is over 120 having been below 30 for most of the last week. So back inside and we will do some work here and there on downsizing. 

Church on You-Tube today and it is already nearly 9:00 a.m. I slept in and then decided to work on my duolingo Latin for a bit. I have a 34 day streak in Latin thus far and hopefully can keep doing my Latin every day. It is amazing how much I have learned although I already had a smattering of Latin from reading old documents in Latin. This gives me the ability to read the entire sentence since I lacked that basic vocabulary which one learns as a toddler!

The day unfolds ahead of me. This is God's world and we must treat it better; give all of God's creations a chance to exist and we need to live in harmony with nature. Not always in opposition to nature as we have been through this last few hundred years as we pollute the skies around us and hence the entire planet - it is the northern parts of Canada (and Russia) that are most affected by Climate Change. 

On to breakfast but first the second set of jumping jacks. No Church on You-Tube for the summer apparently. I must start reading the entire Newsletter perhaps or just missed that being said. I read and sang my way through the service but of course no sermon so went online and found some thoughts for the day. 

Back to the Siderfin book for a bit and then Yoga/Calisthenics. This will be an inside day for sure with the Air quality at 218 and thus severe now at 11:30 a.m. The temperature is 25 degrees celsius with a high of 29 predicted. The squirrel tried to get into the new bird feeder and it is very mobile; meant for a bird. Finally gave up and struggled up the fence when it could finally reach it. Probably will not be back. We did buy it with the birds only using it in mind. The other feeder is also full so the furry little ones can use it and let the birds enjoy their own feeder. 

We bought enough food to last us until after Canada Day when it is hoped the smoke will lessen if all the promised rain comes to help put out the fires in Quebec and Ontario. But we are most affected by the fires in Quebec. This part of Ontario is directly under northern Quebec and hence the prevailing winds tend to bring the smoke right to us. We have huge amounts of wooded area in the north and forest fires renew these areas so are allowed to burn themselves out if that is practical. It has always been our way taught to us by the First Peoples as the regeneration of the land is very important and having visited an area after a forest fire years ago the new growth is wonderful. 

Interesting developments in Russia for sure and even more interesting as Belarus now has its own protector and will perhaps be less influenced by the psychopathic Nazi Putin. I will admit that I do think they were coerced into letting Russia attack Ukraine from their territory. That option is likely no longer there but time will tell. Corralling Russia is very important to the entire world; they are a despotic imperialistic country until they do something about it and bring Russia into the 21st century they are a huge danger to the entire world. The smoke is clearly visible outside the window today; no smell inside; we are lucky for sure.

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