Friday, July 14, 2023

Bastille Day - France

This is the day in history when people power was born - the French people were tired of their monarchy which wasn't helping them and they toppled them and replaced them with a Republic which respected the rights of the people of France. For a short brief period Napoleon became the King of France but it did not last - he involved the French in foreign wars and they tired of their youth dying on foreign battle fields and so deposed him and won again their Republic and freedom. That is a perhaps too short a capsule of French History (and perhaps a bit biased) but the essence is there - people power. 

No work on Siderfin yesterday but perhaps today. Heavy storms here and a tornado in south west Ottawa which did some damage. The rain was heavy but the ground quickly absorbed all of it and when I went out to look at the raspberries you could see that the grass would love more rain! We were recovering from our 18 holes of golf but did manage a lovely 3 kilometre walk in the evening. 

This weekend we will put together all the journals that came in the past two years to give to the Ottawa Ancestors/BIFHSGO Library. My I am slow getting all this done. The days fly by for sure. 

Up early and have a number of items to work on to get myself organized for next week. Dawn is here but we are now working towards the longest night in December and the change is noticeable now nearly one month after the longest day. 

My Latin Lessons are a daily event and I am quite enjoying the time spent. It is surprising how well you can learn a language on duolingo. The many ancient documents in Latin are the goal of all this language learning.

On to the day, jumping jacks, solitaire and the day begins.

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