Saturday, August 26, 2023

Another beautiful day in God's world

 Brilliant sunshine this morning and another beautiful day in God's world. A slight breeze in the trees and this Black Walnut is nearly 3/4ths of the way across the yard this year. It is a huge tree. It pretty much shades the garden from the late morning on which isn't overly helpful but then grass is also appealing to me at this stage of my life. But we did clear out the back of the garden which still does get quite a bit of sun so next year perhaps we will plant the lettuces in there. 

Finished clearing the rest of the bricks along the side of the laneway along with the patio and porch so ready to do the hardening sand and will see how that goes. I do not want to put it down when it is going to be quite rainy so must watch the weather. But it will be nice to have it completed. The front yard I can maintain fairly well although the grass is not quite s nice as it was. Perhaps next year I can get that done. 

Thomas Siderfin's line completed in the reformatting so sent it off to my fifth cousin to have a look. No rush on that as I will  not publish before end of November. I want lots of time for proofreading and reviewing. It is exciting to think that it will be done this year. If my cataract surgery doesn't happen in December then I will start the Pencombe book and looking forward to that. I have a lot of early documents (in Latin) to work on and will spend time before surgery or after a rest working on those. I acquired them from the National Archives of the UK on visits there over ten years ago now. I may need to order some new images as the ones that I took may not be as good as the scans that they do. Will check that out. But there are huge documents for this family in Devon. I will be remembering my mother's thoughts with this one plus I have nearly thirty years of her letters which I can use as quotes in the book as well. She had her memories from her father and then from her father's first cousin and her maternal uncle by marriage (my maternal grandmother and his wife were sisters). 

Looked at some of the DNA results yesterday in a quiet moment. I have not checked out FT DNA matches for quite a while. I tend to keep up with the 23 and Me and Ancestry more or less but FT DNA I look at for different reasons generally the mtDNA and the yDNA rather than the autosomal DNA. Living DNA I have barely touched in a couple of years and must get back to that. There is a DNA meeting with a speaker on Living DNA so will try to get to that today. We were meant to be at the cottage this weekend but changes occurred and as it turns out has worked very well as there was so much to do here. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always; it is sad to see the youth of Russia dying on the battlefields that Russia created in Ukraine but they could just go home; just pick up and go like they did in 1917. The leadership in Russia is corrupt; they are Nazis and not worthy of the people of Russia. Their only way to a better life is to eliminate the Nazis Putin and his enablers. Invading a free sovereign nation is so wrong; no one has the right to do that. Glory to Ukraine. 

Thank you God for the beauty of this world and may we strive much harder to eliminate Climate Change caused by humans. We are destroying this beautiful planet and must find a way to turn that around and very soon so that the grandchildren of tomorrow will have as much fun as we had as children in our world. 

On to breakfast but first the second set of jumping jacks!

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