Saturday, September 30, 2023

Slowly getting there - just a couple of pages left in the ninth generation

Another day working on the Siderfin book and it did move along nicely. I have to merge in the Thomas Siderfin line that moved to Derbyshire which I have from another researcher. The task of working the census into the footnotes is also time consuming but necessary I think. But I am reaching into the 1800s now and so the end is in sight as I will not go beyond the 1920s. 

I avoided watching television most of the day as I do not want to get bogged down with issues. The Freedom of Parliament is perhaps at stake but I will say that the Prime Minister has firmly defined and defended the principle. Having done that it does rather put Pierre Poilievere's claims out to lunch as the seating in the gallery is basically the property of each party and of course the speaker rules supreme in that regard. I do not think we should change it (but we should do a background check on people that intend to be in the galleries when there is a special event). But that is the responsibility of the Speaker certainly for anyone that he invites. The last word is with this individual but we are a democracy and if he/she errs then they must resign as has just happened. The neat part is that the Speaker must have the support of Parliament in order to continue and can not overrule that. The education value of all of this is enormous. As a child I knew that Nazism was evil; sitting through newsreels at the show left me with an absolute horror of the Concentration Camps at a young age. I will never forget those images as long as I live and I was only a young child under ten (having an eidetic memory can be a bit of a curse sometimes).  We must respect the pain of the Jewish people at such a happening. Nazism is Satanic and beneath the dignity of man. Even seeing the symbol of Nazism now is revolting. What they did is unforgiveable and yet God calls on us to forgive but we mustn't forget what all of these people suffered (mostly Jewish people but also POWs, Christian leaders who opposed Hitler and many many others and the  memories are forever there for those who survived in a much deeper context than even those that I have from being an observer of the newsreels in the theatre as a young child.

But the Freedom of Parliament is important; but with freedom there is a responsibility and that freedom and responsibility lies with each member of parliament along with the speaker who is a power on to himself/herself. Listening to Power and Politics  last night though I was appalled to have the conservative speaker find it amusing that the Prime Minister is thought to be responsible for the seating in the galleries of the House and that the conservative party would gain from that in an election. That is one of the most ignorant statements I have heard on that program. Where are the Brian Mulroney clones when we need them. What has happened to the Conservative party that they bait people and waste our time with senseless discussion when there are real issues. They avoid the real issues because they will  not do what needs to be done; they will not increase the GST back up to 7% or even 10% (that is the way to tax the rich as they spend more money on expensive luxury items). I say that because rich people do not care; they just pay the tax. The present Conservatives do not have Brian Mulroney's vision or stamina. If the GST was at 10% then we could offer to cut it in half for the builders rather than giving up all of it. Increasing the GST would also slow down inflation.

However, my day is going to be spent on the Siderfin book and I leave it to the Canadian people not to be fooled by lies and false statements made with regard to how Parliament is run. The freedom enjoyed by each and every member is actually quite amazing. But then that is freedom.

Lovely dinner last night, scallops and a hot lemon orzo salad with chopped up tomatoes, chopped spinach and grated carrot. Tonight hard boiled egg with toast and frozen peas cooked of course! I do like fairly plain meals. Then tomorrow a lovely chicken stew. I generally plan my meals with a two to three week meal plan. But I do make changes based on what I would like to actually eat so I can just shift it around. 

Another day in God's world. Just twelve degrees celsius on this last day of September at 5:30 a.m. The furnace has still not come on as there is sufficient sun or warmth in the day to keep the house (of course my house is attached and not huge which also makes a difference) at 20 degrees celsius my preferred temperature. One of these days though the heat will drop to 19.5 degrees celsius and on the furnace will come. The world is slowly changing to the brilliant colours that Canada is famous for - our maple tree is rapidly turning crimson and the foliage is slowly yellowing. New growth is slowing as fall takes over. 

Teatime and first jumping jacks. My day has already had twenty minutes of exercise with my stretching and toe touching. Osteoarthritis does better if one is more active rather than less active. Running is particularly good and that is why I run fourty minutes a day along with just loving to run in God's world. There is something wondrous about feeling the wind blowing around you as you pass quickly along the walk - God is in that wind I do believe. I think humans were meant to run. My favourite show of all time "Chariots of Fire" was about Eric Liddell who refused to take part in the Olympic 100 meter event in 1924 because he would not run on the Sabbath. Instead he ran in the 400 metre and won that instead (and he had not really trained for that). And of course there were two athletes celebrated in the Chariots of Fire movie Harold Abrahams (Jewish) and Eric Liddell (Christian). A wonderful memory and I do have the VHS tape of the movie. Must play it today. Harold Abrahams saved the day by winning the 100 metre and the Gold Medal for Britain. Harold Abrahams went on to become the elder statesman of British Athletics. Eric Liddell was a missionary-teacher and died in China during the Second World War.

On to the day. Hopefully no more scam calls. This past week has seen my phone ring a lot actually when normally it doesn't ring at all - my preferred state. Email is the way; talking on the phone is just too time consuming.

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