Saturday, November 11, 2023

Meeting of the Arab Leaders

I do have a great deal of respect for the leaders of the Arab Countries but only actually have read items by the President of Turkey who has done very interesting work for peace. I would also like to see an end to the War in Gaza and I suspect that the leaders of the Arab world could quickly bring Hamas to heel and order them out of Gaza and they would obey. But will the Arab nations choose to do so. I have no idea actually; it is a waiting time once again like the 1930s when people were jockeying for power except for the Western Hemisphere where I belong but I was not yet born. 

Myself I would not trade one of those satanic prisoners in Israel; but if anything happens to the hostages I would line the Satanic Hamas prisoners all up against  a wall and shoot them. A soldier's death and most kind  actually. But it also quick and easy.

This time the Western Hemisphere is somewhat in play although resistance is growing to not be part of whatever is in the works. Annihilation of a people is something to look at very carefully - it is the threat offered by Hamas against Israel. 

Do we really want to see our world torn apart in a war; because it would be an Armageddon war simply because once you let the genie out of the bottle you can not get it back in. What is God doing right now? I have no idea. This is his great experiment and it has lasted a long time. Are they prepared to destroy it? They live pretty good easy lives.

Israel has a right to exist; Israel has a right to defend itself. Palestine has a right to exist. Palestine has a right to be rid of Hamas but they can not get rid of them on their own. They have grown as a people ready to create a Palestinian State. You can see it coming together if you just look. The loss of life is horrendous but it has been the last 20 years because of the conditions created by Hamas (12% of the children die every year in Gaza). Hamas lusts for the blood of the Jews; they are sick satanic people who need to be eliminated. They also hate Christians.

That being said the ball is in their court (Arab and Muslim Leaders). They have more to lose actually; this has been a very long period of peace not seen in the world before and it is Hamas and the other satanic groups (Russia included) that are destroying it. They try to do it in my country with their ignorant hate marches that are dwindling as people realize what they are. We in the Western Hemisphere are pretty much all God-fearing God-loving Christians with some Jews and some Muslims - but the numbers of Jews and Muslims are small actually.  The Christian Right (which is wary of the Arab/Muslim World) have huge families and they are very much in the God-fearing God-loving Christian category. And they are all heavily armed.

Let Palestine flourish; become the country they can be. Order Hamas out; they are satanists. If you like them keep them in your countries and out of ours. I always remember that first they come for the Jews and then they come for the Christians but will there be anything left for the Muslims! That is the question?

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