Monday, May 20, 2024

Cleaning week begins

The week begins once again with cleaning and it is the two floors this day and the basement is already completed. Another beautiful sunny day ahead on Victoria Day. It seems like it should be an Elizabeth day for Queen Elizabeth II but nothing new on that yet. We didn't know Queen Victoria - my grandparents had both seen her - my grandmother in Birmingham and my grandfather elsewhere - not sure that he mentioned that as I do not recall him saying where. By the time they were old enough to remember her she was already quite reclusive. But Queen Elizabeth is known to everyone and a day to remember her would be nice. 

We did not move black earth yesterday; the day went by much too quickly and we had errands to do. Bird feed to pick up at the store. We did acquire another fence post and so can add to the front fence - one length. It is a little taller and will look nice next to the house and then the three shorter panels (not that short really - one metre height and then just under one metre so perhaps 15 centimetres shorter. It is a nice fence and quite easy to install. 

Today will be a moving black earth day and have all the beds ready for planting on Friday since it is supposed to rain pretty solidly for three days. Then we are ready to put in the seeds. We did not find cherry tomato plants to buy yet and still have to acquire pepper plants, parsley, another basil, and cucumber. The remainder of the garden is seeds. Hard to believe I put so much time into gardening. It has never been a strong interest of mine although did always help Edward plant the garden every year and collect the produce. The produce is the best part but Edward enjoyed the quiet time in the garden weeding and just the simply joy of watching the plants grow. I must admit when I stayed home with the girls I noticed that more but when I was working away from home all day I was barely in the back yard. 

A few more thoughts on the books but nothing written. Mostly it is collecting data at the moment and I have excel charts to manage that. The summer lends itself to brief interludes of collecting data and one of these days I will get back to that. 

Already 17 degrees celsius and will be another warm day I suspect. Still weeding the flower gardens and will get some of that done today as well. Four bags out to the street for recycling last week and perhaps as many this week although maybe not. It is hard for me to judge that for sure. The rhubarb is doing very well but must weed it as well. I was perhaps counting that as a flower bed but actually that bed has rhubarb and some extraneous raspberry bushes that I moved there absentmindedly perhaps but they are flourishing. The tulips are all finished, the daffodils just collecting sun now into the leaves to bloom next spring, the crocuses and the snowdrops are the same. Spring flowers are soon past giving way to the summer plants. The transplanted hostas and bleeding hearts still doing well and will go out and water them soon for the day as it will be sunny and hot once again today. 

Teatime and latin once again and then breakfast and the cleaning day begins. 

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