Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Time marches onward and waits for no man

 Lots of rain and the sunflowers have literally jumped out of the ground and are now above the fence. The squirrels will definitely enjoy the sunflowers. Since I have not seen the rats/mice running out from under the purple lilac bush next door I can only assume they are trapped or demised (or have left). We will late a little longer before putting out bird seed in the swinging feeder. Every day the birds come to check and see if there is food and have some fruit along the way as the fruit bushes are all in berry now. The squirrels check as well and finally saw a chipmunk so they have survived. Life continues but it was pretty boring without the host of birds every day for sure. The cardinal family still checks every day. Their young from last year is still with the adults and they have new young this year. 

Eyes continuing to improve but the light is still sensitive for me but that was always the case; my eyes are very sensitive to bright light and always have been. The slightly nagging headache is mostly gone although returns every now and again but the 81 mg ASA keeps it in check along with the eye drops. Today begins the decrease and it is rapid going from full (minus the antibiotic in the first operated eye) to just six eye drops per day by next Sunday. The first operated eye will be free of eye drops then and the second will have just six per day which will be for another two weeks and then complete. Exercise routines are starting to come back although I cleaned yesterday and that, other than my 12,000 steps per day, is all the exercise that I do. I wore my sunglasses to clean to keep any dust out of my eyes. They are all encompassing sunglasses as they go over my regular glasses which I no longer wear although there is likely a need as I have an arc around light in the weaker eye and I suspect my astigmatism is still there but with the strabismus gone is less noticed. I can actually read the street signs something I couldn't do before. So probably still wearing glasses all day but just astigmatism correction and then reading glasses for close work and my current ones work somewhat but I do feel eye strain with them but they are nearly four years old now and I normally replace the plastic lens and frame every two years. But I am keeping my eye use to a minimum still. 

The Bible Reading today from Lamentations 3:22-33 was a message on endurance in life. What we can learn from those who aim to destroy us or otherwise upend our lives. We sit at a precipice created by the evil of the world - Russia and Iran with the proxies of Iran being used (and Iran doesn't care how many of them die; nor do they care how many Palestinians die or anyone else except them) namely Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis attacking Israel and causing the tension in the world along with Russia attacking Ukraine. Both of these groups are evil. 

On to breakfast and another day of wonder in God's world as we try to bring light and happiness to the world clouded by wars created by Russia and Iran because they are greedy, jealous and evil. 

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