Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Lovely rain and new storm doors

 The new storm doors are on and it is nice to see doors closing themselves once again and not having to force them open to get out of the house! Both doors had been on for a while, one for 45 years and the other perhaps 20 years. A few more small items to get done and then winter will arrive and I will hibernate. I do keep in touch with neighbours and family though (daily with family) which is important I think. 

The next items are fencing, new back step and fixing the front porch which is pulling away from the wall. There are other items like the laneway but will work at that next spring perhaps. We will see. Life always seems so busy actually. 

My setup to memoralize all of Edward's work is getting into place as we organize the cabinets to make it easy for me to locate material. The scanners, camera setup are all old now so only really useful to me and will likely get donated/given away on completion of this next set of tasks which will probably take a couple of years since I will work that into my writing schedule which is also a couple of years long. Must take time to buy a few new clothes as mine are getting shabby for sure. But it will be so very nice to have this working space organized to do the management of the material. I do not have to do any setup and can just go in and do whatever I have scheduled as a distraction to my writing and to keep me from sitting all day long at my computer which is also old but does the job. As I approach 80 I am noticing that what I thought would occur has and that is my mind is starting to consider how to tie up loose ends with respect to my research. I continue with my membership in the Guild of one name studies as I will deposit all of my electronic files there as they are prepared. I have so many counties now completed for the Blake wills and will deposit that material as well as the Buller wills and a couple of other sets. 

Thank you God for the lovely rain yesterday which has freshened up the garden very nicely. I will need to cut the front lawn soon once again as the lilies are still blooming. But soon that will also be past - amazing how quickly time passes actually. As the forces of evil try to rally in the world one can see the forces for good lining up as my mother said just prior to World War II. One does hope and pray that we do not have global conflict once again but not surprising that Russia is at the head of all of this evil along with Iran. Winston Churchill predicted that Russia would always be a problem under its current leadership because these people at the helm in Russia are so greedy for money, land and power. The people of Russia have risen before though and thrown off the cloak of evil; I can not think that they are in agreement with bombing a children's hospital in Ukraine - how disgusting the Nazi psychopathic Putin and his adherents really are. The same goes for Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis whose only aim in life is to commit genocide against the Jewish people. 

On to breakfast and Latin to follow. Another beautiful day in God's world with rain to come. The rain is always needed in July; it can be a very dry month here. Must also work on the Blake Newsletter!

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