Saturday, July 27, 2024

God's World and how do we fit into it

 Watching all the chaos does make we wonder how do we fit into God's world? Are we doing it very well? Some are actually but too many people are greedy, selfish and opportunistic not protecting the world from our apparent inability to take the best care of it. Some of the people in the world are very interested in it and want to work with Mother Nature rather than in their own self interests. It is an interesting thought to begin the day. I plan to do more cleaning out of doors today and as I pull more and more weeds I am left with the thought is this the answer? For me, no not really which is why I have decided to move to a smaller place (there is too much land with this house). But that is a feature of my nearly 79 years; I can only do so much. I used to handle the garden after Edward became ill in 2012 quite readily although it did take quite a bit of time and effort I could do that. 

That process has begun but will be a slow one I am very sure of that. Finding a place is not going to be easy; no lilies is a big part of that and probably not overly doable. Being still close to a place to kayak would be nice and is doable since Ottawa lies along the Ottawa River. Those appear to be the main items that cross my mind in my acquisition of a new place. Plus it needs to be at the other end of the city for practicality. 

I have been having an exchange of mail on the My Heritage server with a cousin of Edwards. He appears to be related on the Kipp side but has a story to tell in the modern era which I know nothing about. I have told him that I can not help him except with going back into the past and looking at Jonathan Kipp. Edward figured that out; just who Jonathan Kipp was and how he fitted in with the rest of Isaac Kipp's and Hannah Mead Kipp's children. He was the second born with his older brother being Isaac and then three younger brothers James, John and David when they lived at Northeast Town, Dutchess County. They appear to have moved towards the Canadian border around 1798-99 as they are found on the 1800 Census of the United States (Isaac, Hannah, and four children) at Renssaerville near Albany New York. By October of that year they are in Oxford County, Upper Canada and a sixth child is born to them namely Elizabeth. All of that information is in the records. I will leave all of that to others to sort through. I am only dealing with the yDNA now in the Kipp Newsletter. 

Another sunny day in God's world so a good day for cleanup once again. I have started a bit early perhaps but want to have it cleaned up as much as possible by the fall before snow. I am certainly being optimistic. We had very little snow last year but I expect we will have more this year. 

I am now doing my full slate of exercises since I added calisthenics/yoga yesterday. It is just two months since the first surgery so not too bad to be back where I was when I began the surgery except I now see without glasses although will need them for close work but these glasses that I use are too strong. My appointment with the optometrist is next Wednesday and we will see. It is still strange to get up and not put my glasses on so that I can read the time on the clock. 

Time for breakfast. On to the day with Latin following breakfast. 

Normally I would be glued to the Olympics and probably I will a little later. It was somewhat disconcerting to discover that we have coaches who think spying is legitimate. I felt sorry for Celine Dion who sang her heart out for the finale of the opening ceremonies and being a sensitive person was probably heart sick that a Canadian team had been spying on, hard to believe, a New Zealand team. She did very well though and was a wonderful ambassador for Canada as always. We are all part of the British Commonwealth too bad that that in itself was not enough to deter the spying episode against the New Zealanders! Goodness is hard to find for sure. 

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