Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Optometrist today

Finally the optometrist; the suggestion was to wait at least four weeks after the last surgery and I decided that six weeks would be better to give lots of time for healing. So today is the day. The optometrist who originally referred me for cataract surgery has moved office to a plaza further away and I preferred to stay with my local plaza and returned to the business that I had gone to for years before the last set of optometrists. I think that this one had lost its optometrist and my two year appointment came up and so I went to a new one about twelve maybe fourteen years ago.  Although I have all the prescriptions given to me so could readily check but probably not do that bit of research. Anyway today is the day. Gradually my eyes have adjusted to the bright light once again although I am careful to wear sunglasses in full sunlight. I was finding that the lights in the stores were too strong so started to go outside in the shade without sunglasses and that seemed to help my eyes to get used to all that brightness again. It was surprising to see how yellow everything was after the first eye was operated on actually. My parents had cataract surgery but we were far away and I never chatted to them about their surgeries so knowledge on that was limited. 

My distance vision is definitely good as I can spot a female goldfinch feeding at the feeder amongst other interesting birds. I can actually read the road signs which is a treat in my old age having planned my trips anywhere on my own with the aid of a map and counting the number of streets although GPS certainly improved that process. I have not driven since before the first surgery but look forward to doing that once again although I have moved the car about in the laneway as needed. 

Worked a little on the Kipp Newsletter and must complete it today or tomorrow to publish it on the 1st of August. I must admit to not really having done any Kipp research other than bits and snatches which Edward asked me to work on hence I do not know a lot about the modern day family. I was involved with researching back into the past on the family mostly prior to 1800 but anything past that is all in Edward's trees and I will get them up on the website sooner hopefully rather than later. World Connect having disappeared has made all of those links useless. 

Cleaning all accomplished and we reorganized the pantry and closet on the main floor. Another trip to Salvation Army with some items that I suppose I was hanging onto but there are others who could well use that warm clothing this winter and so I have finally let all of that go. A number of items as well that just do not fit into our reduced view that once again could be useful to others and it seems a pity for me to just let them collect dust which I must then clean. 

We bought a rowing machine which I am learning to use and I did an introductory video yesterday on YouTube to clarify the correct way to actually use a rowing machine. I think I will like this and will add it into my weightlifting routine as an upper body strengthener along with the weights. I eliminated the weight lifting that had me bring the weights behind the back of my neck as that is apparently a strain on the upper spine and with my having osteoporosis sounds like a good plan. I am thinking of doing physio once again but I am waiting on my osteoporosis test. I sent in the new requisition myself. It is over two years now since I was supposed to do the followup on the baseline! But there was a problem with the requisition apparently hopefully all solved now.

The month of August will be catchup once I get my new reading glasses. I am still not sure if I will need distance glasses. Sometimes I think I still have astigmatism but it is not affecting letters as much as it did when I had strabismus. It is amazing to cure something like that when you are 78 as it gives you sharper vision, eliminates double vision when you are tired and I now have depth of vision which I have lacked all of my life. Probably the last couple of months I have put a lot of time into just looking at items particularly pictures. Did I miss anything all of my life? not really as I memorized how everything looked that I needed to know no doubt enhancing my ability to store huge amounts of information in my brain through the years. It is mostly a treat the last couple of months and certainly entertained me whilst my eyes were healing. However, it is time to get back to work writing my books in September. August though will be catchup for sure as there are so many items that I put aside for this time period which I will now accomplish before I get back into the much harder work of extracting the material that I need from the parish registers and other documents that are in Latin. I did maintain my Latin studies throughout this time period and will continue with that. It is amazing how much Latin I can read now. 

The mind is definitely made for learning for our entire life. My grandfather used to say that a day you did not learn something new was a wasted day. I believe my grandmother had the same opinion. Our ancestors certainly put learning high on their agenda of items to work at through their lives. 

The Olympics continues and congratulations to all the winners. There is something beautiful about this bringing together of the athletes of the world and giving them this opportunity to prove their mettle. 

Somehow the chaos that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis (Iran sponsors all of those terrorists) bring to the world disappears for a while when such an event as the Olympics captures the world's interest. Terrorism is akin to Satanism and should not be a part of our world. It is time to move past such barbarism as we have seen committed by Hamas and the Russians. Fence the Russians in; put Hamas,  Hezbollah, the Houthis on a desert island where they can do no harm. What we really need to invent is an invisible electronic fence that prevents a country from firing drones etc against another country and takes out any airplanes that illegally cross into a neighbour's territory without their permission. There are lots of safety abilities with round the clock surveillance in case of mishap to prevent accidental error on the part of airplanes straying onto a neighbour's property.  Certainly the Iron Dome over Israel is a good start. 

On to the day. Latin is next with breakfast already eaten. 

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