Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Paralympics

There just isn't as much buzz about the Paralympics and the idea of running them at the same time as the Olympics is certainly appealing. The garden clean up distracts and getting back to my writing distracts as well. Canada is winning medals though I am seeing that but nothing else really; there just simply isn't that much on the news - little on the internet feeds and less on the television news. 

Completed the one side of the laneway and started on the other side. Perhaps complete that today or tomorrow along with cutting down the now dying flower heads in the front gardens and pulling a few weeds. Not very weedy out there fortunately. Still the car to vacuum and the garage final cleanup so that I can put the car in the garage before winter. Just ten degrees celsius now at sunrise. Air quality at 21 which is excellent. The back yard will take the time. I want to clean it right out in terms of weeds so will take perhaps 1 to 1.5 hours every day to do that until the snow hits. I have cut the lawns and perhaps they will not need cutting before winter but I can always get the lawnmower out of the shed to do that. Amazing the shed this year; lots of room instead of pushing things in at the end. Good sign. It needs to be like that. There was just too much stuff. 

Other than that the repairs to the roof and the new fencing is slated for this month. The porch work will wait probably for the new owner. For the moment it is sufficient to my needs although a nice new back porch at the back entrance would have been interesting but I have lost interest for sure and would not do before spring for sure. The new storm doors are nice but I can see they would not last for as long as the old ones. Probably half or less of their weight so will see how they stand up to winter. 

Good progress on the 11th generation of the Siderfin Family as I am into the youngest son and just his lines to complete (about 22 pages of text to go through). The 12th generation is the last and I have started a mock setup for the companion book with the first three generations completed. Must think about the two newsletters - Kipp and Pincombe and get them completed this month as well and then back to writing the Blake and the Pincombe books. 

We are fast approaching my favourite times of the year - fall and definitely winter. For me it is hibernation time although I signed up for the BIFHSGO Conference - a virtual one. Virtual is great in your old age; just sit at the computer and you are there. A few other items that interest me will get back into gear as the end of the summer progresses into fall. 

Breakfast time and some work on the 11th generation before doing some yard work.

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