Friday, September 6, 2024

And of course the taxes support our military

I notice I left out one of the more important expenditures when I discussed where our tax money goes, our taxes support our military. When I was finishing up the bricks outside two jets went over. What a fantastic sight. You do not see that so very often here but when I was child there were always military planes going over the London, Ontario area probably because there was a base on Lake Huron near Grand Bend and the largest employer in London was National Defense as Wolseley Barracks was  one of the large military bases in Ontario. That was pretty much until I was in High School when the base started to decrease in size. But I can still remember the fences that crossed the roads in East London when I was a child. 

I was sort of hoping they were some of our new jets. I have not heard if we have received them yet. Military expenditure very important in Canada; too often the military are sidelined and really they should be front and centre. They need to offer better salaries especially to the enlisted men and a guaranteed pension. PM Harper disrupted that a lot and is another reason that I need the Conservative Party to go back to its roots where support of the military was a primary part of their platform. 

Finished the brick work but still have to do the laneway itself as there are weeds growing up in the cracks. So will get that cleaned up before winter. In the front yard there is that to do and cutting off the dead flowers on the bushes/plants and picking up any weeds. There is so much work to looking after a house so will be glad to sell in another year for sure. That is the way my mind is heading. 

I also am working on the 12th generation and that was an especially good thing as I slightly sprained my smallest finger on my left hand doing the laneway so it kept the finger busy as I do not want it to freeze up and have to spend all that time doing therapeutic exercises when I could just do a lot of typing to keep it flexible while it heals. It is bruised so a slight sprain. I can feel it when I type as I learned to type when the typewriters were still manual so I have a strong hit on the keys and generally I wear out at least two keyboards per new computer over time.

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