Friday, September 6, 2024

Eleventh Generation completed

 On to the twelfth generation today and that will see my Legacy file complete and I can start to form up the charts along with my notes that are in the note section for individuals. Not a lot of detail which isn't already found in the book but sometimes I did find items of interest. I simply want to get all of that Siderfin information off of my desk and into repositories where others can find it. My fingers are itching to get back to my Blake and Pincombe books. I did not forget the charting it was just too busy a summer and I wanted my eyes to have as much recovery time as possible and needed before I got into heavy eye work again. 

September is doing its usual thing, warm and cold. I think I will turn off the water in the front today because that area is colder than the back. I do not want a frozen pipe! I also want to complete the bricks along the laneway and get that debris out in the recycling. I only cleared it this one time really and once before when there was tarring happening but mine didn't get done which is fine. It really needs a new laneway one of these days although not likely to be me. It is still very usable but is starting to grow weeds here and there. Mostly one can see the effect of global warming as the laneway has sunk perhaps as much as an entire 3 or 4 centimetres over the last ten years. 

I also want to get the gardening shoes and boots all washed up and put away along with the rack they sit on and then my garage will be more or less empty and I can put the car in whenever I want. It is nice to put the car away for the winter. So a few things to do along with working on the twelfth generation. Once the front yard is cleaned up I will begin on the back. Really I did very little gardening this summer in comparison to other years although I did weed quite a number of times but the rains were heavy this year and I could not keep ahead of the weeds for sure. 

Time for breakfast and then Latin.

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