Monday, September 16, 2024

Fence day

The new fences go in today, hurrah. Already the old fences are gone. These young men are very efficient. On the short side there will be chain link because there is so much tree cover that the light is blocked most of the day in that area and the chain link will help to open that up. On the other lovely wood to replace the old wooden fence. Looking forward to both. The short length of fence really was inefficient. It didn't really block anything as it was just very short. Probably the neighbour on the other side benefited the most from that  wooden fence as they put in a patio off their sliding glass door but still it was very short and scarcely provided a really private area. Our patio was always secluded because the house next door is set back about 4 metres further from the street than we are so we actually had that quiet personal area. We lose just that short length of it but the payback in more sun is worth it. Mind you I am going to move so the real benefit will be to the people who move in. Likely they will put in a big swimming pool and a deck and change the entire look of this yard. But it is a long yard made for children for sure; mine loved it. 

No work yesterday. I went to Church, did some reading and did all my exercises. Made my favourite chicken stew and finished off the salmon as a lovely canape mid afternoon with cranberry juice and buttery crisp pitas. It was delightful. Occasionally I can be a foodie but it needs to be just the right food!

Today the basement is being cleaned. It is almost finished actually. I was up early today with the fence people coming. I want to paint the other side of the stairs today and will get that done. Then I think there is enough paint to paint the stair lift once again all the way down just to give it a really good coat of paint. It looks good already. The bright red is appealing actually. I liked it when Edward chose it years ago. It brightens the stairwell and I definitely did not want carpet on the basement stairs. 

I will miss this house but it is a lot of work and I only get older. Right now I can manage it quite well although I know that I have cleaned it when I have completed the task. Until then I do not think about it; better that way. 

Latin next and then vacuum the furniture in the basement and that is complete.  

Just noticed that the support poles for the chain link are black and when I checked the contract it calls for black mesh. Trying to get that sorted around (I should have read it with a magnifying glass so accept the blame on that). I was not really involved in talking with the people as my neighbour organized the couple of fences. Strange that anyone would put up black chainlink beside grey chainlink. It is difficult being old for sure.

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