Thursday, September 12, 2024

The end of the 12th generation is in sight

I have just seventeen pages left to do. I was surprised as there was a lot to enter into my family tree program from this last set of 35 pages of data. Also I had to do some checking and found more errata within the text; mostly just little things that my eyes were just probably too tired to catch at the end. I could have let it wait a little longer as it turned out and will do that with the next two books. A learning curve for sure and I will publish the errata and perhaps create a new copy to put on my website. I will think about that. It does not involve that many changes and most of them are cosmetic; correction items missed or errors in typing which surprised me but my eyes it turns out were not quite as strong as I thought they were before the cataract surgery. You can not really tell that because the decline is gradual for sure. 

I did yardwork yesterday and more to do today as I had forgotten that I had this 5 metre long black metal fence that was along the wooden fence at the back to keep the bunny out (at least my husband thought it might) but it did not. I will move it to the front and remove the shorter now rusty white fence from that garden as this black fence is meant to withstand the weather. Plus it will match the black fence that is there. The front yard is mostly cleaned up for winter. Just a little more here and there to do. The concentration will now be on the back where there is a lot of weeding to do but I will not rush it as I want to just pull the weeds and let them rot on the ground through the winter for the most part. I have lost more flowering plants this year because I just couldn't keep up with the weeds. At least I thought I couldn't and didn't as a result.. Perhaps that is getting old. At 79 I am old and can still do things but the age of being in control of items that are of ultimate value in a big way are past. I can just have suggestions now really. 

My finger was somewhat tired last night after a busy day but doing well again this morning. I might do less typing today. Instead I am still typing and I am thinking maybe I need some therapy on that finger. Must investigate how I do that these days. It is a long time since I have injured one of my limbs! Since it is my left hand I do use it less than my right.

Breakfast is next and then latin.

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