Sunday, September 1, 2024

The rain did dissipate yesterday

Although the rain did dissipate yesterday, I just didn't get myself out the door. Next week will be quieter to work outside as the children return to school. I am busy writing (a short book of charts to accompany the Siderfin Book and my two ongoing books for my parent's families) as well as my monthly newsletters for the projects that I manage for yDNA and mtDNA and surname studies. 

So yesterday I worked on the 10th generation and still a little of Thomas son of Robert Siderfin and Grace (Kent) Siderfin to complete. I am looking at just two generations left when Thomas is complete. Then I can start creating the Charts and put the book together sooner than I thought actually and get my two newsletters done and then back to writing the Blake and the Pincombe books. For the most part my eyes are the same as they were except now I do not need to wear glasses except for close work and driving. I can not see the speedometer well enough unless I have my glasses on. It is amazing having worn glasses for all but the first year of my life to now have such good eyesight, depth of vision and all the normal things people have for their eyes. It is fascinating in my old age and every day I see something differently then I saw it before. 

No more errata yet that needs to be published; the charting will capture any small changes. Actually it is surprising although I did proofread it but proofreading one's own work is not always the best way. Just the two items so far half way through the book. I did proofread/copyedit for a living though for about fifteen years so should be somewhat skilled although it was a while ago for sure, my children were just young when I did that. It was great and I loved being able to work at home until I didn't. Then back at work I loved doing that until I retired. I had a number of fascinating different jobs all in health care of some sort with more than a decade working in the Ottawa Hospital as it came to be known after amalgamation before that I was at the General. In total I worked five years at the General, six years at the Civic and almost two years at the Riverside Campus. Health Care is fascinating work and all of it is needed and not enough credit is given to the people who willingly give up their evenings, nights and weekends to care for the health needs of the population. 

Sunday and a beautiful day mostly sunny. Also the first day of September. The third of September would have been our 58th wedding anniversary; it is still actually hard to believe that Edward is no longer with us even after nearly three and a half years. He is still very missed.  But time is moving onwards and I will soon be 79. I wonder what changes there will be in that year of my life as I approach 80. The books will still predominate for sure as I do not see an end to them before 2026 and then I have another two books in mind (my two grandmothers - Buller and ?Cotteril/Rawlings). The priest perhaps made the notation of Cotteril no ideas on that as it was not until I bought her birth registration and the parish records for Kimpton that we knew she had a second middle name - Ada Bessie Cotteril Rawlings. On the census when she was just five she was living with her maternal grandparents and uncles (her mother's youngest brothers still at home with their parents). The Buller equally mysterious in some ways as they lived in London area and Birmingham - an interesting family with records although Christopher Buller born circa 1763 is still a mystery. You are always looking at two lines though with each book although the name of the book tends to be the male surname. 

Today Church is at  St Martin-in-the-Fields, London so once again the Church of my Buller family and we visited this Church and ate in the restaurant in the catacomb underneath the main floor of the Church. It was absolutely memorial in my mind. The theme - God created all things in Heaven and on Earth. But first a few things to do and then get ready for Church. Thank you God for all you have given us; let me learn to be better shepherds of this world so that there is still a bright green world for the children to come in the future. Let greed and war disappear from our world and give us that uplifted plain of peace that so many of our young people died to give us in two World Wars in the last century. I grew up in the shadow of the Second World War when the memory of those lost youth was so very powerful. Let us never forget those young people and do not let the ignorant continue to destroy our world again. 

Breakfast completed, latin to do and then Church.

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