Monday, September 9, 2024

Frost and a warming trend

 Apparently a slight frost warning this morning and now back to a warmer couple of days but definitely into Fall weather. I am glad that I shut off the tap out front and will do the same by next weekend with the tap at the back. In between I want to clean up the car, vacuum it and get the garage ready for winter so that I can put the car in whenever I want which will be soon. I would rather not scrape ice off of the windows! That will be a chore for later in the week. Today is large cleaning day and I begin very shortly.  My FitBit does not charge up as easily nor does it hold its charge as long as it used to. I think it is now nearly three years old so I must invest in a new one one of these days. I do find it handy. Mostly I know how much exercise I am doing and how effective it is but I must admit that the change in ownership has done away with the webpage details and you need to subscribe to really be able to look at a long term view of results. I do not plan to subscribe at the moment but will consider it for a bit and that will be the consideration that goes ahead with the type of FitBit watch that I purchase. 

I definitely do not need a lot of memberships beyond what I already have. I have four that I maintain for my writing and that will go on for a while yet. I class my house bills as another sort of membership which I pay monthly and that will go on for a while yet. But otherwise I limit my belonging/memberships in things. They need to be helpful for my maintenance, for my writing or my tithe to God which I give to the Church. One reason I was so in favour of going to Christ Church Cathedral was for that reason it is a "Mother" Church and as such will remain in place for a long time likely and so I would prefer to support it rather than local Churches which may or may not remain as a Church. It is sad to see Church dwindling but I also understand why people do not attend; I didn't understand when I was young and not really into my 30s but I have come to that understanding. I always simply loved going to Church every Sunday (and still do now that it is online) which I always made clear to anyone who knew me. It was a major choice for me to do that and voicing it was what God through Jesus asked us to do. To take the word of God to the people who do seem to forget it from one generation to the next for whatever reason. 

Cleaning day and it begins soon. First Latin and then cleaning. Generally I begin around 9:00 give or take. Today I slept in which was nice but that is 6:30 instead of 6:00 at which time I did my early morning exercises that take about ten or fifteen minutes (I started about the time that I went back to work outside of the home because when I was home I could build in exercise periods during my work day (called coffee breaks!)). I do tend to just live the day that is in front of me. Then I do my solitaire games which perhaps takes me fifteen minutes give or take and then play some spider solitaire if they haven't taken too long and then it is time for breakfast and that is now eaten but before breakfast I do my reclining warrior, rotation of the hip and knee joints in sitting position, jumping jacks and shoulder stand with walking in between each exercise which takes about ten minutes. Now back at the computer writing my blog and then into Latin. 

The day begins and it is very sunny today although just eight degrees celsius at 8:30 a.m. My finger is still somewhat stiff from the sprain but I can type fairly normally now. Taking the day off was a good plan that and the icing and heat treatment. Half of my hand is bruised but slowly diminishing now.

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