Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday and Church today on You-Tube

 Volunteering Sunday in the Church of England and we are at the Devon County Show in the diocese of Exeter. Devon is the home county of my Pincombe family. When John Pincombe (my 2x great grandfather) married Elizabeth Rew at Bishops Nympton they brought together a number of old Devon and Somerset family lines. I shall watch the service soon. 

The theme of this Sunday's Service "God's Purpose for You." A query I have asked myself for many many years as I meandered through life. Although I had some intentions in my teen years the knife attack (I was not physically injured) seemed to  change the direction and path of my life but not entirely. Not long after Edward and I became a twosome and he liked to have a person with him all the time to do the things that he wanted to do. Growing up in a very small town with no access to transportation, Edward wanted to go everywhere and see everything (within easy reach of where we lived). I did not have the purpose in my mind that I had had and I enjoyed the trips here and there that we took once we bought a car that took us further than our feet or the bus! But always as the year's passed I would contemplate what God's purpose was for me. With a husband and children it was easier to see that purpose and it still is but I always feel that I fall somewhat short of what I could have done but on the other hand I did do a lot. God is perfect and one tries to be perfect for Him.  

There are so many reasons to thank God in this world. The beauty that surrounds us, our years of life on this planet, and the governance that has cared for and nurtured that life. Would that it could be enough to bring peace and happiness to the world. But we have violence all around the world created by greed, jealousy and ambition. Ignorance abounds in a world that has the greatest opportunity for everyone to know truth but for too many people it is a falsehood that they preach from their camp-ins. Why in a free country must we be plagued by such continuing lies? Democracy is much more fragile than a dictatorship because the haters and the greedy take advantage of the kindness of democracy to try to advance their deceitful causes. 

God bless the world and protect it from those who are greedy, selfish and jealous.

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