Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rain today perhaps

We have done very well with rain this year. The lettuces are the best I have seen for a while and will keep us eating them well into July which in itself isn't unusual but it can be very dry in July here. Looks like rain again today and is just 18 degrees celsius - a cold Canada Day weekend. 

Still a slight feeling of swelling in my last operated eye; it diminishes every day and the sight is very good. If anyone had told me in my old age that I would be able to read the road signs, see "into" pictures I would have laughed perhaps but then I didn't know what I was missing with lack of depth of vision. It is intriguing in my old age to have this improved vision actually. Faces are the surprise as they are different - unexpected actually. But perhaps the most amazing is reading (not small print) without my glasses as I have worn bifocals since my early to mid 30s it escapes me at the moment just when I got those first bifocals but could probably sit and think about it and remember. Mostly I recall the ophthalmologist saying I might have to get used to them but my old lenses were just that old so I decided to put them on to drive home from the Optometrist that I had purchased them from and surprise I did not even notice the bifocal portion as I drove along. It was amazing to be able to once again read that tiny print and see the speedometer on my car easily! Yesterday I was working on a project for about half of an hour and it worked out very well - no headaches; no eye strain. 

Yesterday we did a lot of picking including raspberries. Cooked salmon for dinner with a blueberry glaze that was savory rather than sweet - quite delicious. Cooked it in the air fryer with sliced potatoes. New way of cooking salmon and it is so moist.  We made a raspberry glaze with our frozen raspberries that was equally delicious last week. 

Today more work on my project and perhaps a look at the newsletters. I may surprise myself by getting that done sooner rather than later. Tomorrow is the last day for drops in my first operated eye and I am down to just six drops a day in the second operated eye. The time has passed very quickly for sure. I still have a slight glimmering of light in the newly operated eye but my eyes are very light sensitive. It continues to decrease rapidly. 

Good news that the construction of our new warship fleet has begun - the river class destroyers. I like the names chosen HMCS Fraser, Saint-Laurent and Mackenzie for the first three ships. We do need to get our spending up to 2% of GDP and I am even in favour of that being 4%. We need to be able to take care of our three ocean coasts and all the inland water areas in this huge country of ours. That is really the most important expenditure in our budget. Helping people is always nice but the military must be the first interest of all Canadians.

On to breakfast and then Latin. The new lessons are on telling time/date types of information - very valuable for my Latin documents which I shall soon get to. I have not yet looked at any of the old documents with my new eyes. Maybe do that today out of curiosity.

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