Monday, June 3, 2024

Cataract Surgery Day Seven

 Day seven, an entire week has passed nearly since I was off to the hospital for my first cataract surgery; indeed my first surgery in my life. The eyes are very fundamental to our lives and yet many live without sight. Interesting really how the mind compensates just as mine did for my lack of depth of vision. Having it now is amazing for sure and each day more delights awake my eyes just in this one little area of the world. There are so many tiny things that I notice now that I never saw before and it is enchanting actually as the days of my life roll by. Thank you God for all that you do in our world. We ask for a great deal but we must work for it always; work is what makes us human; the product of our hands is what makes us human and our compassion for everyone is what makes us human. The President of the United States, Joe Biden, is a particularly humane person in his position as President. He brings to it his Roman Catholic faith which has upheld him through his 80 years of life. I know that he can feel the pain of Israel living beside the barbaric monsters Hamas; the fear that they put into the children there is unconscionable and they had no right to do that. Not bringing the children from Gaza here to North America where there is lots of room, lots of money to care for them is also unconscionable. I do not believe I can ever forgive those who complain about the danger to the children for not doing everything they could to help them. Israel has the right to defend itself and take out the barbaric elements that attack them so that their children can also have peace. What comes from God goes to God; God is the Judge of all mankind. The innocents He welcomes into His loving arms immediately.

Garden all planted; rows already coming up and rain promised for most of this week. That should help with the forest fires and so far none are substantial enough to be mentioned in Ontario and Quebec. For the moment we are blessed. Last of the bedding plants are in and fences neatly arranged. The two local rabbits were sitting outside the fenced area looking at the growing Romaine plants. Finally clapped them away and they settled for the clover that we have left growing for their consumption in the yard. Their turn will come to enjoy as well. But first the small plants must grow! Beans are up as well and the carrots just breaking through the ground. They were the last to come along with the dill. Three rows of sunflowers should be lovely and they seem to be able to grow beneath the Black Walnut. 

Breakfast first and then Latin. I find it a luxury to have Duolingo online. That is my preferred way of learning these days. No chatter around me when I work, no abstract comments and I can just learn. It is great really. My grandparents would have loved this ability and soon I will get back to the books and the Newsletters but first the eyes need a little assist and one eye is recovering from surgery; the next is to come one of these days. But online learning must be carefully chosen and it should be at our control not fed to us like food to fatten up a chicken. We must have truth and we must, as children, learn to separate truth from desire and fiction. 

On to the day.

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