Thursday, June 20, 2024

One week less a day since second cataract surgery and 24 days post first cataract surgery

Coming up on the first week I was ready for the explosion of white light and being able to see better which made that easier than after the first surgery. It is tiring even though it is just a 15 minute surgery and one must rest but that is perhaps also my 78 nearly 79 years of age. We are having a heat spell so mostly indoors all the time and taking rests two times per day. Still keeping up with allowed exercises but particularly walking and did 13,000 steps yesterday and already up to 3500 steps today at 10 a.m. By lunch I will be at 6 to 7 thousand steps or more. 

The grass is growing nicely in the front lawn where we did the section from just past the close street section to the tree where it was most needed. Next year we can do the other section not yet done. Moving is upper most in my mind at the moment and will contemplate that through the next year to two years as this is too much for me to keep up and I do not need the extra room now which is handy. 

Downsizing continues apace and the front room is gradually getting ready to become the main downsizing area as we work through all of Edward's material. Having given away 70% of it already one can only imagine the original size of his collection of material (70% was more than 100 boxes in total). One wonders where it all was but his workroom had become so full including the closet floor to ceiling that there was just a path in to his desk (and he had filled up a second room, the main closet in our room and my closet!). He did a lot of the work of scanning from the mid teens on which I was only briefly aware of as I was deeply immersed, until his care took up most of my time, in my own family studies as I decided on the route that I would take with all the information that I had and was collecting. In particular my DNA studies predominated although he was also very much into his autosomal studies and not overly interested in the mtDNA (I maintained that for him) or even the yDNA studies although that did perk up as the matches started to come in. 

I may try to get my Pincombe-Pinkham issue out this next couple of weeks before the Blake one is due! It is mostly written but still a bit to do. 

I have been watching some TV and did watch the new series Hitler and The Nazis. I did find that one difficult as I did as a child watching those scenes of terror against the Jewish people. It does bring back the memories to me of the Palestinians killing Jewish children in their school yards in Israel when I was a child in the 50s. The only protection for the State of Israel is to eliminate the wicked and evil plans of Hamas and Iran with regard to the genocide of the Jewish people worldwide. Hamas, Hezbollah, Youthis and Iran their supporter and gun/munitions supplier are just like Hitler and the Nazis. We must be ever vigilant of them. That Hamas continues to delay the cease fire is deadly to the Palestinians - Hamas are hiding like rats underground letting the Palestinians die. The Palestinians are getting wiser as they are in refuges on the sand along the Mediterranean (hard to build tunnels in sand) where food is more accessible that the Americans are bringing in except Hamas is trying to interfere in the movement of the food by likely Hamas agents who have infiltrated into the groups that distribute food in Gaza it does look like. Although I would like to have more sympathy for the Palestinians they must earn it because my mind still remembers their sneaking into Israel and murdering children when I was a child. Then the Rohingyas  are so much more worthy of all of our sympathy and aid that I do feel it is misplaced in that the Palestinians have been receiving aid through three generations and more; they destroyed the green houses and other buildings that the Israels left behind when the Israelis moved out of Gaza leaving them with all the land there and really are responsible for their own fate by not fighting back against Hamas when they enslaved them two decades ago. If you need to have fighters then it is Gaza where you need them to eliminate Hamas; Hamas are the problem as always. This particular series by Netflix really points that out; evil only begets evil it would appear; you are supporters and adherents even if you just cheer their barbaric attack on the Israeli people of the 7th October last. If Palestinians want to be seen differently they need to do something about it; till the soil; grow your own food and create industry. Help eliminate Hamas. The world works hard for its money and one tires of seeing Gaza use up so much money that belongs elsewhere. 

On to the day, breakfast completed - my simple breakfast of milk and oatmeal suits me very well (I do add wheat germ, wheat bran, cocoa, raisins, cranberries and blueberries). As a child I just ate it plain. My father used to cook a big pot of oatmeal (I think my grandfather did it when he was living with us) and I can remember coming downstairs just before he left for work and he would ladle out a big spoon of oatmeal into a bowl for me. I just ate it like that; it was delicious but in old age I do like the extras. 

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