Saturday, June 8, 2024

Day 12 of my story of Cataract Surgery

Now at Day 12 since Cataract Surgery on my one eye. Just six days until my next day of cataract surgery and my surgeries are done for the rest of my life one is always hoping. That would be amazing to go through life with just two surgeries (I have had two procedures and two live births). Although I worked in a hospital for twelve years after I returned to work outside of the home way back in 1994, I never like to be a patient in one. I hate being in a place where the lights are on all night and there is a monotone of clatter in the background. Highly necessary for an efficient hospital but the quietness of home is appreciated. However the hospital is there for a reason and serves people very well in Canada.  We are lucky with our public Hospital System and the smallest hospitals do a great job dotted across the landscape of our small towns. The work they do is life saving and very important and when they need help they transport their patients quickly to main centres to receive that help. Referral is the backbone of the medical profession to solve any problems that can arise at any time so that care of the patient is the most important aspect. My daughter pointed out to me that my insistence on having my cataract surgery during limited time intervals was my problem and I agree with her 100%. It was totally unrealistic of me to think I could just have that in a selfish childish way but by being very flexible and asking for referrals when it could not happen in one place has basically given me what I needed. Surgery at a time when I could have 100% help which I absolutely needed in the 48 hours following my first cataract surgery and will need in the 48 hours following my second cataract surgery I am sure. Since I had never had cataract surgery or any actually I had no idea what I would need but I was going to do the best that I could to insure that I had that 100% care and not be a burden on the system. 

Today a beautiful day looking out the window. A bit cloudy and 15 degrees celsius and mostly cloudy by the weather forecast. A typical June day actually and it may start the grass growing in the front lawn which has now been re-earthed and seeded. The part along the road which suffers most during the winter is growing beautifully and finally we did get to doing the ten feet back up to the large tree with the garden all planted and the trees pruned in the front. The land always benefits from a fresh layer of earth for sure. Thank you God for all that you have given to us. Help us to learn to respect the earth and all that is in it. We need to concentrate on Climate Change to protect the earth and have the richness there for the generations to follow. We need to eliminate Hatred, Greed, Envy, Jealousy, Deceit from our world. When that is done then we can have peace. Not peace at any cost; no rendering of people into second class slaves controlled by Nazis with their greed for limitless land, material goods and power. Help us to eliminate such peoples from our world (they could live on an island somewhere) dear God, those who would maim the world and its people for their own greedy, deceitful, jealous, hateful, envious purposes. 

Breakfast and Latin. On to the day. 

Praise be to God - four hostages rescued by Israel. Still so many held in captivity. The International Court of Justice told Hamas to release the hostages immediately and unconditionally nearly five months ago. Hamas has not done so and indeed more have died in captivity since the court made this demand.

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