Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Passing the half way point

 Perhaps the most exciting happening is passing the half way point in recovery from the first cataract surgery. At this time I am no longer using one eye drop, the second eye drop has decreased to just twice a day and the third eye drop continues four times a day to the end of the four weeks. Soon I will begin recovery eye drops on the second eye (once it is operated on). The overlap is just nine days for eye drops. The clearness of the vision in the operated eye continues to amaze me. I notice more and more things and now they do not stand out quite so abruptly when I am looking about. At first depth of vision was overwhelming but now I have adjusted to seeing everything like that. The human species is truly amazing but then so is all life both flora and fauna. We must not waste it nor cause it to go extinct by our foolishness. I believe in science and the products of science but we must use them wisely and always with a thought to the future. Those who live only to make money need to do it with an eye to climate change effects created by their businesses and respect the vast majority of people who just live and are not driven only by the need to constantly acquire more and more material possessions. One can think back in our history that the leaders/kings of countries were like that but they were benevolent (if they were wise) and their people had a good life. If they were not benevolent than they eventually did not survive (because they went to war for greater acquisition usually). Generational loss of wealth tends to be more common than otherwise. 

President Biden must be under a great deal of strain - he is a father after all and his son is on trial. Even though he will not use his presidential powers to pardon him, that doesn't mean his feelings for his son are any less but rather more because he knows a stroke of a pen could save him but like all good minded people he believes in the Rule of Law. Then there is all that is going on now in the Middle East and he is in the thick of it. Interesting that the UN can travel through all sorts of war zones where they do not belong I personally believe but helping to distribute food can not happen now that the Americans have the pier in operation again. Another attempt by those who appear to support Hamas in the UN (and one hopes they are very few) to create chaos in Gaza. Helping Hamas is helping the devil for sure. But Hamas is as always the problem. They attacked Israel; they brutally and barbarically raped, murdered, burned and otherwise destroyed the lives of more than 1200 people and their properties; they dragged 250 people into Gaza and continue to hold them hostage (dead and alive) even though the International Court of Justice demanded nearly five months ago that all hostages be released immediately and unconditionally at that time. Hamas, Hezbollah and Youthis are all terrorists and should be in prison for their crimes against humanity in order to protect the peoples of the world from their illegal and barbaric activities. 

Yesterday good accomplishment in downsizing so to speak. We rearranged a few things to reduce the cleaning that was needed. By the end of this summer there were be a large shift in items as we concentrate in one room all of the items that eventually we will downsize but it will make it easier to clean the rest of the house which is a bonus for me as I spend two days every week cleaning. I will still spend two days but the amount of extra dusting and shifting of furniture will be considerably diminished. 

After the eyes have recovered then I will see how well I do reading my fiche and if that is no longer something that I can readily do then I will donate all those fiche now to the Anglican Archives and the fiche reader if they want it. It is surprising how much space items can occupy as that would free up half of the filing cabinet that I use for that portion of my research. The records are online these days and scanned which I can enlarge on the computer but sometimes it is nice to browse through particular fiche over a period of time and see all the comments made by the priest but really I could do that on the computer too where the original fiche are scanned. 

The large cleaning day today. Breakfast is next and then my Latin and the day begins.

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