Sunday, June 16, 2024

Day one second surgery and day 19 first surgery

My eyes came into focus nicely first thing this morning and have remained that way all day (close up that is, distance is still limited). I just did my Latin on my own and although my eyes are a little tired I am not seeing double. No more strabismus it would appear. If I take my glasses off no more strabismus. This is really neat in my old age; amusing to see depth in pictures, leaves other images - somewhat startling still. I was looking at my mixture of wheat germ and wheat bran and discovered a mutli faceted pile looking back at me. Not sure if I still have astigmatism but likely as the glasses seem to do very well. My distant vision is still clearing though and we will have to wait on that but certainly up close is working really well  at the end of this first day. It took longer for the weaker eye to adjust but the depth of vision was really worth that for sure. An amusement for my old age!

It is pleasant not to see double; that was such a nuisance in my childhood. I am glad that strabismus is fixed now for young children. My lenses were so heavy that they shaped my nose bone to have a ledge for the glasses to sit on. I have permanent marks on my nose where the glasses have sat all these years. Another surprise though is how sharp my vision is without glasses although need them to really hone in on something. 

We had donated an old chest of drawers and it was picked up yesterday. I am glad not to be doing that again especially when I am unable to help with it post surgery one day. The other items we will wait a bit and then can transport them ourselves and save other people having to do it. 

I am still noticing the eyes trying to adjust first thing in the morning but the vision is clear. I had not expected it to be so early after surgery but this is my strong eye which has done probably 99% of the work my entire life. Today more of the same. Lots of rest periods. Five eye drops every six hours. Walking for more than 12,000 steps through the day in broken up periods. Latin a little later as the walking will come first. 

Today is Sunday and Church on You Tube from St Michael's Stockwell Parish in Southwark just south of London. My Buller/Beard/Hemsley families lived in Bermondsey and the Buller family was at Oswald and the Buller/Beard/Hemsley family at St Mary Magdalene Parish Church. The theme "Is there something deeper with God" and I shall be at the service a little later with the magic of YouTube. God is so much a part of the life of the world and every day as I grow older and older I continue to see how much our world benefits from God being the very cornerstone of our being and that of all flora and fauna on the planet. 

This surgery has revealed the colour of my eyes as a blue eye ring with a hazel centre once again and comparing with my eldest we appear to have the same eyes; her blue eye ring is larger. I always thought her eyes were like her Dad's bright blue with no trace of brown but they have gradually changed a little through the years although one describes her eyes as blue and mine tend to be described as brown. Funny really the variety in eyes. 

Breakfast and walking.

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