Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The count up continues as it is now Day 16 after the first Cataract Surgery

 I continue not doing a lot of work with my eye but rather concentrating on looking around and noting what I have gained in the operated eye. Text is somewhat different in that eye; much blacker and slightly larger if I compare the two eyes now. Still I am not using my reading glasses as I am not doing a lot of reading. I want to mimic just natural process of looking about, using my eyes to measure in ways I did not do before and concentrate on the operated eye having the ability to manage for me sightwise for a couple of days so no strain on that eye but giving it lots of exercise without doing a lot of reading which would strain it I think because the lens does not seem to be quite right in my distance glasses for this eye now. It is alright for just looking about but not quite right for reading. Not being knowledgeable on ophthalmology I have no idea if that is the expected happening following such an operation which I think clears the strabismus as I do not appear to be cross-eyed in that eye as I was. It really did wander if I was the least bit tired. Seeing double was not unusual for me if I took my glasses off as a child. Mostly I always wear them as an adult from the time I arise until I go to sleep. 

Good work on downsizing. We have now eliminated all but one bookshelf of DVDs with two bags of them going to Salvation Army plus one box of VCR tapes. I have not watched even one of them in more than a decade. But did keep some favourites for a rainy day! Another bookcase out to the curb and it is gone this morning. Glad about that as I hate to just throw it out if someone else would like it. And someone did apparently as it is gone. 

The large somewhat old wooden dresser is going this weekend (my parents bought it for us as a house warming gift when we bought our house here; it was a bit of an antique then but Edward loved it) and perhaps the queen sized bed as I want to clear the master bedroom to use it as a sorting and downsizing room. The drive from Edward's computer I will put into my machine and downsize his computer setup and we will turn his computer desk into a scanning and printing centre with that table. He bought quite good computer tables years ago now. Really solid. Gradually I am getting things into place for that just in case one room concept in my mind. Buying two boxes to hold my CDS that I used for genealogical research as they are promised to the Anglican Archives once I finish off my books. The fiche is already stored in two file boxes for them once I have completed any work that I want to do. I just have one large box of genealogical material as most of what I have acquired I have scanned but did keep the original documents. I will try to give them to my younger sister as she has all the original pictures now that we took back to her more than a decade ago now. I do not want to keep any originals. I need to sort out the bedding for the queen sized bed in case that is wanted as well. It was fairly new I think in about 2017 now. Would have to check receipts for that for sure. I have forgotten. Most things I remember but that is a blur because it was not long after that Ed started to have a lot of medical problems unfortunately. The beginning was really the need to insert a pace maker in 2012 after a year and a bit of ill health.

A number of pieces of furniture are from the condo that our children had and they will also go decreasing my dusting time for sure and moving furniture about. I will actually be able to do my usual exercise on cleaning day as now cleaning day is a lot of exercise all by itself!

Did not complete the upper floor of this small house yesterday so that will be today's work and must begin. Breakfast completed and will do my Latin at break time.

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