Saturday, June 22, 2024

With both eyes done I am in recovery mode

 With both eyes completed surgery wise I am in recovery mode. Probably time to end my recitation. Over the next few days the number of eye drops will diminish slowly to three per day in my first operated eye and eight per day in my second operated eye so eleven instead of eighteen in the combined eyes. I can tell that my last operated eye is still somewhat swollen as the peripheral vision is a bit distorted and you can sense the swelling as you move your eye about in the socket. The other eye was completely healed the surgeon said and I would say I do not feel any swelling in that eye and did not at the time of the last surgery which was seventeen days later. I am now at 26 days in the first operated eye and eight days in the second operated eye. Both of my eyes have clear vision and I do not need my glasses for distance although there may still be a need to correct for astigmatism and will discover that when I have my eye examination in August. The strabismus is gone; no double vision which is rather nice actually as when I was tired and took my glasses off I could see double! But the true gift is depth of vision especially working on the computer screen which is designed for the normal eye and has little quirks to help with seeing it would appear that I have missed all these years.

I have restricted myself to just a short time on the computer and must decide how to make good use of my daily diary. I am starting to think about the two books again but the research that I must do will be tiring on my eyes so will wait at least six weeks to do that and longer since my eye appointment with the Optometrist isn't until later in August!

However I can start getting back into my exercise routine which is great.  So today I will add in stationary bicycle for ten minutes along with my 12,000 steps per day. 

Yesterday we did a massive assessment of everything around us and will have a company come and do some downsizing of some things like the queen sized bed (mattress is the problem getting it down the stairs), the large wooden fireplace structure (electric heater) that we do not use along with a large storage tent in a box, some sitting couches that we do not use and still looking around. I do want to continue downsizing to minimize the workload of cleaning until we do move which looks like sooner rather than later. The yard here is enormous and I know that I can not maintain it readily and do my writing. 

Time for breakfast and then Latin. Looking forward to getting back to jumping jacks and I may do a few warrior poses to get that started again; it is primarily stretching but will go easy and slow with all of that. My desire to run is very strong but patience will be the code word of the day!

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