Friday, August 30, 2024

Busy these days writing the Companion charting book. I am into the seventh generation now

 I have been busy writing these days, actually updating the Legacy file which will do all the writing. Just five generations to complete. Some of the data is in there but not all of it. Plus I am adding in some notes. Found two small errata so will eventually write it up and add it to the companion book. They are pretty obvious; missed them though but in 412 pages I would be surprised not to find a couple. Hard to proofread your own stuff. 

Chatting with my brother last evening for a few minutes. He is ten years younger than me and with two of my brothers deceased now and the other brother is not on Facebook any longer, I mostly talk to my youngest brother and my two sisters occasionally. We are all busy doing our being old. 

Someone asked for my tomato support tool that I put into recycling and I said "all yours" and will have some more later - in two weeks or next year. Some of them are already in the shed and I am not going to unearth them until spring. Although they are handy our plants simply do not grow as much now; the earth is really worked out after 46 years of gardening. 

The bulk of material left in the house is files of my husband which I do want to organize and make sure that no original material is lost. Seventy nine in a couple of weeks and I did say ten years ago that the end of my seventies would see me writing and compacting my research and so it is happening. I can see myself still doing another ten years but it will be directed towards closing down my research activities as I write each book. My cousin George DeKay certainly did send me on a long work project. It started in 2003 and twenty one years later I continue in writing mode. This house suits that really now that I have looked around a bit. I liked the street from the time that I first saw it over 46 years ago. It was brand new then with just the first set of carriage homes built. Edward traveled more in those days and it was something that I could manage; this house. Although it is starting to be a lot of work but I shall try to manage it and if not I will move on into something that I can manage. But the pressure in my mind to do so was a need to downsize more and more and a lot of that happened this summer. 

Cleaning accomplished; floors all washed with the special liquid for laminate/linoleum/hardwood. It does very well actually. I had expected the floors to be very dirty with the dogs but actually not at all as it turned out. 

Today the basement just to vacuum up the dog's hair. One of the dog sheds a great deal and that was mostly what I captured today hidden under and behind everything. There will also be piles of it in the basement. 

On to breakfast and then Latin.

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