Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Second cleaning day

Today is basement cleaning day and it is now much shorter I am happy to say. I do not mind cleaning; actually enjoy the product of it but at nearly 79 it is nice that the basement is so much easier than it was. It used to take me all day to clean it but now I am looking at a couple of hours with the i-Robot doing the rug. Great invention, vacuuming by robot although I do tend to do the rest of the vacuuming by hand as it is just easier for me to do that. 

The heat spell is broken for a bit and it was 12 degrees at the lowest in the night and up to 15 now with part sun. The wind is quiet in the trees and the world is moving on towards Fall but still a lot of summer to come for sure. September is always ambivalent but does lead us into the Fall.  It is such mornings that I think of as blessed looking at the green world around us and especially as my skyline is becoming more and more treed. The tree in our yard is 38 years old (large maple that Edward and our oldest daughter planted). They had so much fun doing that having nursed the seedling in the garden for a bit. The maple key just wandered in and survived mostly because of my daughter who was thrilled to have grown a tree. Now it is massive and fills the yard at the very end of the yard just enough up from the fence so as not to uproot it! 

God  is in the Heavens looking down on us this day I believe wondering how Homo sapiens will survive. Why are people so greedy, jealous, so envious, so hating? We could have a lovely life on our planet if the hate would just stop. We must try; two world wars destroyed so many lives and as one of the founding nations (Canada) we helped to create the United Nations. It has taken nearly ten months for the UN to fire the guilty people in UNRWA who perpetrated and aided Hamas in their barbaric incursion into Israel (did they get the real ring leaders with this group?). UNRWA must cease to exist and the Palestinians must grow their own food and create their own industries. The land is plentiful one just has to look at Israel to see that. 500 trucks a day are needed elsewhere. I believe in the legal route of proving that people have done wrong but it has taken far too long for the UN to conclude that there were traitors within UNRWA. Then Iran itself does not believe anyone has a right to exist except for their view of Islam and they fund terrorists (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis) - Iran wants death to all Jews and all Christians although we only hear about their hatred of Jews at the moment. Why do sick people like that exist in our world? The Russians attacked Ukraine and continue to do so - what gives them the right to attack a free people? Why do these terrorists exist - Russia (North Korea supplies them with weapons as does Iran) and Iran (Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis)? We need an end to terrorism. It must never be forgotten that Iran does not care how many people die including Muslims as they fulfill their desire to eliminate Jews now and Christians later. Do people actually think they are safe being non-believers - I suspect Iran also hates them as non-believers! thought to contemplate as the day begins. 

The Olympics continues and the US and China are now tied for gold although the US has a huge medal count way above China and everyone else. 

The US is an amazing country but then I also think Canada is an amazing country. We (the US and Canada) have the longest non-militarized border in the world and we have been at peace for over two centuries (the incursions by the Fenians and others have always been halted by the US government but we also have pushed the intruders back to the border). Aiming for 2% GDP for our military spending though is inadequate; we need to aim for 4% so that the military is adequately funded. 

Latin moving along nicely as I am doing the last section in Part 1. Part 2 beckons me onward and will move on to there soon. 

Breakfast completed and I need to start the Robot vacuuming. 

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