Friday, August 16, 2024

Day Four of Dog Sitting

Day Four of looking after my daughter's two dogs. They are big dogs; together they weigh more than I do but I enjoy them. They are so sweet. It is hard to believe that a dog would bark at them actually. They do not normally bark at other dogs. But one two doors up is probably lonely and does bark at anything new including me going out in my back yard which I have been doing for over 46 years! Although this dog has not lived there that long for sure. There have been many dogs there and they have all barked at me when I go into my yard. The bigger dog (mine) does not bark unless there is danger but the little one is still a puppy really and can get rattled much easier. But they are having a good time running up and down the yard when the other dog isn't out there barking. The one three doors down on the other side doesn't bark either. I think some dogs are more prone to it; certainly our last dog was a barker but I just worked around it when we were babysitting him. I am enjoying my time with them; they like to come and lie on my red blanket on my bed when I am working. There is just one there right now; the pup. The other dog is having a rest downstairs; they are three years apart in age and it does show. 

 Although I knew my neighbour was moving the date arrived very quickly. She was actually just an infant when she moved here (the youngest of seven children) and I first saw her in her oldest sister's arms probably the day that they moved in. Seven children quite overwhelmed my husband at the time as it was just so many children. Her parents both lived in the house after the children all left home and when my husband retired he had many many interesting conversations with them as I continued to work for nearly four years after he retired. As a very efficient gardener he often gave advice on what to grow and how to tend for it and prepare for the next year. I think it was just after her mother died that the youngest returned home with her family and they have lived there ever since her youngest was quite small so perhaps ten years I think or it could even be longer. I must admit other than helping my husband garden I was seldom outside the house unless we were going somewhere. I do love to do my regular exercises inside the house in the quiet and cool basement. Streets are amazing things; they tell so many tales of families and their lives. Best of luck to my neighbour in her new home. 

I do plan still on moving next spring; I am looking around now to see what is available and also what would be the most practical for me. In my case I would be moving to the west end of the city to be nearer family that is newly arrived in the city. It will be easier for them rather than having to come  all this way (it is 36 km across Ottawa) and for me to be closer. I need a smaller place for sure but in the next six to eight months I need to downsize everything still more than it is. I have much too much stuff still. We were over to Salvation Army with a box full of dishes that I never use yesterday. It is a gradual process as I let go of all of these belongings that my girls do not want. 

Yesterday I made the first solo trip taking my car into the dealership to get a repair made and then went back and picked it up and drove it home. It is just a nice walk about 2500 steps. I have driven a couple of times since I got my new glasses but this was the first time solo. My new glasses are working very well and I transcribed a will that I needed to look at today. I do not see any change except I think I do not have to enlarge things as much and the old writing does have a certain depth look to it because it was written with a quill and has raised texture. Never noticed that before!

Lots of work to do and I must get to it. The dogs are having a nice rest after being outside. We will go out again before it gets too hot although they do not seem to mind the heat. They just come in and have a long drink of water and enjoy the air conditioning. 


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