Saturday, August 17, 2024

Rainy Day here

A rainy day here for the fifth day of dog sitting but we have been out and about when it ceases a little. Dogs doing very well and I am managing. They are both good although the young one does find it hard not to bark so work on that. She usually stops immediately when I say anything as I think she is just warning me that there is something out there that she doesn't like. The older dog pushes her away from the window I notice as she knows that I do not need to know that someone is walking their dog across the street etc.

Working on the charting for the Siderfin Family. Moving along but will have to footnote it later. Still deciding how to get the best value out of footnoting for this. The footnotes already appear in the revised book that I published in January. I may call it the Companion book to the etc. etc. Will think on that for awhile. I am predicting perhaps 50 pages of charts. We will see. 

I have a feeling that I will not really get into my Blake and Pincombe books until October although will probably gradually slip them in as I am finishing up the Charting. Still thinking about the Kipp Family Newsletter. Am I accomplishing anything with publishing it? I am considering that actually. 

The next Newsletter due is the Pincombe Newsletter on the 1st of September and will get my mind around that over the next few days. Other than that the summer is passing on. I need to pick the beans and the raspberries but that is pretty much all that is left other than the tomatoes and peppers. The garden has been interesting; it definitely gets me outside for fresh air which is very likely excellent for one's health. It just isn't my preferred thing to do - gardening but my husband considered it vital and so I was out there helping him really from our first house onward although did take over much of the work in 2011 when he took ill.  

The tires are all pumped up on the bicycles and perhaps we will do that a couple of times this summer but hasn't happened yet. That was one of my favourite things to do as exercise when I was proofreading. I took my coffee breaks on the bicycle and my lunch hour break. It was great. Edward and I would ride all the way to the Aeronautical Museum (20 km) several times a week up until 2011 but then he did find it to be too much and the distance became shorter unfortunately. It was lovely doing that actually and packing a lunch; sometimes we went all the way downtown after I retired. 

The dogs tend to lie on a red blanket on my bed and watch me work. Occasionally they come over to get me to give them a back rub and when they have really had enough of my typing they start to circle around the upstairs so I know it is time for a run outside! 

Rain is for three days and then back to sunshine again. 

Latin still to do; it sometimes gets forgotten until evening at the moment. I haven't started any new lessons yet and will probably wait until September. I just practice what I know again and again and it is really worthwhile to do that. 

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