Friday, August 2, 2024

Waiting for glasses

 I have decided to wait for my new glasses before completing the Kipp Newsletter. It does require me sitting and typing at the computer and looking at various items and it just seems prudent not to strain my eyes overly in advance of my new glasses. 

The Olympics going very well and being enjoyed by me. I do love the Olympics and the free spirit that it produces around the world as athletes compete against each other in the best field that they are able.  I have always found it annoying when cheating occurs. Why cheat? It doesn't mean anything especially when you are caught and undermines the free spirit of the games. 

Gradually working myself into a thought process where I think about projects to handle all of Edward's material and what can be done in a  couple of hours now that everything is in one place; neatly organized and waiting for me to pick up each particular set of data and contemplate what I can do with it that would benefit both his desire to clear up errors and my own desire that it not be lost to time. 

Lovely salmon for dinner last night with a blueberry sauce on top - absolutely beautiful to eat. I do love eating fish and I am not particularly a meat eater although do  eat some meat. The vegetables are very nice this time of year; the best of the harvest is now in the market for sure. Our green beans are finally starting and we will eat a lot of those  in the next couple of weeks. The tomatoes are still producing but the lettuce is pretty much finished for the year. The green onions nearly all eaten. The birds have been feasting on the raspberries, currants, gooseberries and elderberries likely for the liquid in them as much as anything. It has been and continues to be very warm and I will perhaps water the tomatoes behind the house once again today as that area dries out quickly. 

The wooden wagon has found a new owner after years of use by our children. I thought it might be too old but it was still in relatively good shape for another and I am glad that someone took it. It is nice not to see it go into the landfill for sure. 

Today, I think some more thought on the video tapes and CDs that Edward made through the years. I have managed to almost completely eliminate my pile on the desk of my own CDs. Just a couple to look at and I think they served a useful purpose at the time of creation but can now be cut up. I would like my genealogical material to be primarily computer documents and have managed to keep to one large plastic bucket of material which I may just look at today. 

Breakfast awaits and on to the day. Latin after breakfast. 

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