Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pleased with work done

 I was very pleased to complete a task that I dabbled away at since just before my first surgery. I generally extract my matches from ancestry for myself and my three siblings and put them into an electronic file that I then use to pull out the information from Ancestry and list them in a matches file that now has 1043 entries. It has been an interesting file letting me look at these Ancestry matches without actually knowing exactly where I am matching except when an individual tester takes their results into FT DNA, My Heritage or Living DNA where I do learn the actual match. But the subsequent chart lets me look at the Shared matches and place them (where the trees are a great help) into my different family lines. Corresponding with individuals has led to interesting conversations. Ancestry has charted a different path and it has proven to be very successful for them and for looking at 6th cousins or less. I tend to ignore the smaller matches than that and mostly my cut off is 25 cM in one length although with Ancestry using TIMBER and comparisons with individual matches does show me that sometimes an Ancestry match is actually larger than it shows. But it is the way that all four of us match that is the most interesting for sure. A task that sat in waiting for about four months as the Chart to locate them grew longer and longer. Generally this list is just a dozen or less names but this time there were 38 matches that I was looking at with just 26 fitting my criteria of 25 cm or more but I do extract all of them. The matches (looking at all four siblings) are becoming somewhat predictable when it is myself and one particular sibling matching an individual person. 

The dogs have returned to their family and were very happy to do so although I must admit the older dog looked at me somewhat sadly when she left; the baby never looked back but I have been strict with her. 

Sunday and Church on YouTube but we must do some work today since we lost time to the dogs being here with us. The fence must come down around the garden. We were going to do that whilst they were here but it rained so much and all that tracking in would have been astronomical for sure. It was a good call on our part to wait. The sunflowers are now blooming and there will likely be thirty or more flowers for the squirrels to share around for their winter feed. 

Breakfast; I am very hungry. Slept in somewhat today but it was still 6:30 when I awoke but have spent a little time working on a couple of items.

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