Thursday, August 15, 2024

Middle of August

 The month of August is slipping by quickly. We did manage a kayaking expedition and walk at Petri Island last night which was quite lovely. It is very busy there now as the season draws quickly towards a return to school time and work time for some. The beach is very well used but our wet summer shows there with a lovely pond in the middle of the beach behind the main beach where the waterfowl are enjoying a quiet swim with their young ones. Everywhere there are birds walking as well as people getting their young families into the water for soon the great migration will happen and they will fly south to warmer climes. 

A little work yesterday; we are converting VHS tapes to electronic files and then will destroy the VHS tapes. I still have two VCRs but would like to donate them just to continue in my planned reduction in things. I have mostly given away the thousands of VHS commercial tapes that we had but did retain a shelf of favourite DVDs although we still have not watched even one! Time is just moving on quickly as we get things organized. Next up is picking paint for matching the here and there marks. I have to make a decision on a couple of repairs as well - if I did a total repair then I would be tempted to stay so will probably go for what needs to be done rather than what would look perfect. Weather has taken a toll on a couple of items but for the most part everything else is fine so just fixing the problems sounds like a better solution. We will see on that. 

The new fences go in in a couple of weeks and that will be nice. The old one has stood for 45 years and actually looks good still although showing its years. Ever moving forward and that is good. 

On to the day. Breakfast.

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