Sunday, August 11, 2024

Go Canada Go

 The Olympics have been quite fascinating for Canada the last couple of days and our medal score now stands at 27 with 9 golds. Marvelous work by all - those who have won medals and those who have tried. Great work Canada. Our American neighbours are also doing very well with 123 medals; more than anyone else at the games. China has 39 golds with 90 medals in total and the USA at 38 golds with 123 medals  in total as said. The world is seeing a wonderful games in absolutely beautiful Paris. It is a city that one visits and comes away with visions of perfection and beauty. Ninety countries have won at least one medal which is 44% of the countries participating. Wonderful work world; what a way to work together as one people. 

We have cleaned up after the heavy rain storm and this has been a really green summer. Often it is looking somewhat parched and brown but not this year for sure. 

Sunday again and Church on YouTube - the service is from Switzerland with the theme - "how lovely on the mountains." Our time in Switzerland was quite beautiful. It is a bilingual country (trilingual actually) like Canada and it was interesting being there to see the mountains close up. Once one becomes used to the smaller distances in Europe and going in and out of countries at a rapid pace; the scenery dominates ones thoughts I think. Northern Italy was also very appealing to the eyes with its huge mountains (the Alps are really a very central part of this area just as it shows on the maps). Yet in between are lovely valleys - beautiful and green. But Sunday is such a wonderful day in the week when one contemplates all the goodness that God has given to the world and our need to maintain and bring it back to its wholeness once again. 

Breakfast and Latin; the day moves onward.

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