Monday, August 12, 2024

Hamas is so evil

 Hamas demands an immediate ceasefire before the discussion in Cairo but in 10.5 months since the taking of hostages into Gaza from Israel the hostages have not all been released. It is nearly eight months since the ICJ demanded that Hamas release the hostages unconditionally and right then. Hamas terrorists along with Hezbollah and the Houthis are truly Satanists. Hamas is evil to the core and not fit to be in charge of a country. Why haven't the children been taken out of this country to protect them? There are millions of Muslims here in the western hemisphere that could have taken them in but all they do is try to disrupt our lives here. I do not understand why this protection of the children has not happened; that would be a useful thing for these disrupters to do - care for the children. These children are being used as human shields by Hamas and for the news reports that come with their use of them in that way where they are killed instead of the ignorant savage Hamas fighters (hiding in tunnels underground) who stole into Israel and murdered, raped and burned people alive and took more than 250 hostages both dead and alive back into Gaza just under eleven months ago. Do not invade another country Hamas, do not bomb another country; there is a price to pay. Release the hostages, immediately and unconditionally. 

What a wonderful Olympics with 206 countries participating along with the refugee group. The total number of gold was a tie between the United States and China with the United States taking the most medals of any country. Great achievement by our neighbour to the south. In total 91 countries medaled which is 44% of all the countries that participated. That is great news really to see so many countries into sport. Congratulations to all who participated for sure. Nice that the terrorists of the world did not spoil the Olympics. Terrorists are such disgusting people; satanists all of them. 

Still scanning and another block is done; I am creating a powerpoint presentation of the pictures that Edward's mother had in her Hope Chest. 

Slowly working through a plan on how to deal with the old pictures and will investigate whether Archives of Ontario would like to have these pictures of early Oxford/Brant settlers. That idea suddenly came to me when I was going to mail some of them to Edward's niece. That way they are close at hand to that area. They already have the book that Edward published on the Kipp family back in the 70s and the update is online on his website. So will begin that investigation. That followed a long chat with my daughter who explained Fonds to me. I had an inkling of them but my background is pretty much science!

Cleaning day and it is the basement today. Latin in between. Breakfast already completed.

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