Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The rest of the cleaning

 Today is the rest of the cleaning and the dogs are letting me get to that as they hate the vacuum. No following me around just sleeping on their mats and they are missing their people very much. We are a tiny substitute but the main action for them is their family. Dogs are so very loyal. The pup is still frightened of the dog two doors down so does make a bark out of sheer panic. Too bad an otherwise quiet spot in the world but for his frightened bark. The other dog tries to calm her down but she is frightened as she has not seen dogs up close to her yard before I guess. 

Yesterday basement accomplished and I have a real neat plan that involves just two steps with a break in between with each step being time consuming and I have brought what used to be a six hour job down to a 3 hour job with the robot doing one hour and a bit on its own. So not too bad. An awful lot of stuff has left this basement - we were looking at a video my husband made of the basement years ago and it was packed with just a circular path where I ran when I didn't run outside - it was a pretty small circle as I recall. We had so many books it was unbelievable - a lot of them went to the sorting group and from there to Kenya. There was a complete set of encyclopaedias (Britannica) which went to Kenya along with all the updates up to the year shortly before my father passed away. He bought them; I read them actually from cover to cover when I was six to eight years of age - loved those books but I was a little shocked to have them come to the already full basement in 1999. I had told my mother that I did not want them - no room but Edward went to a conference in London, Ontario and back he came with the van full of books and other items I had already said thank you but no thank you. There are still a few items that need changes and then have a home to go to. 

Raining here again today but the dogs have managed three runs already and no barks. I congratulated them both on that as the older dog tries to keep the younger one on the straight and narrow. Tonight they will go to bed when I do as there was a bark last night when it was later. 

Back to cleaning and Latin in the lunch hour as usual at the moment. Six more hostages (their bodies) have been brought back from Gaza. The pain for those families having to wait so long to bury their loved ones. I am saddened by all the deaths (except Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and the Houthis they asked for it by invading another country or abetting it by firing on Israel) in this war; the children could have been brought here to safety and forever I will find it hard to forgive the Muslims in the western hemisphere for not doing so. The Muslims marched in our streets celebrating Hamas' victory which is a hate crime in our country!! but no time for little ones to protect them. How sad. 

Work; cleaning awaits me.

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