Thursday, August 1, 2024

Back to bifocals

 My eyes have a clean bill of health with no problems seen. Pleased by that as I have taken great precautions in the six weeks since the last cataract surgery. I have rested my eyes a great deal and avoided a lot of work on the computer keeping it minimal. I have worn bifocals since I was 32 and will be happy to continue doing so as it makes it easy to read small labels in the grocery store. I also managed to be at the Optometrist when they were having a great sale on their frames 80% off of my favourite big round lens glasses and they will be ready in seven to ten days. Then back to driving once again as I have not driven since before the first surgery in May except to move the car around the laneway on occasion. I have missed driving as I actually enjoy driving although not long distances any longer. 

I did not work on the Kipp Newsletter. I am trying to decide how to write up this issue's section on the yDNA. What I have learned thus far from another group is rather interesting so I need to put that in. The yDNA line from which Edward descended was in Liechtenstein 3000 years ago because of the markers in one of the individuals dubbed Ice Man in the cave there and Edward is a match to him. So we know his line was in Europe by that time and then the markers show that this group was within 100 miles or 160 kilometres of Amsterdam in the past 1000 years. The greatest number of bearers of the markers tested live in Norway today or are descendant of the individuals living in Norway giving the resultant thought that this particular line moved north from the continent across Doggerland to Norway with some either remaining on the continental shelf (the next sighting of Edward's line is in the eastern Netherlands near the now German border in 1600). So fascinating but a lot more people need to test in this line to give the clearest picture. 

First of August and the Bible Reading today is from John 6: 35-51 telling us that Jesus is the bread that gives life; Jesus sacrificed himself to save the peoples of the world and give them eternal life was the belief that passed down from this time through the 2000 plus years since his death on the cross and resurrection on Easter Sunday three days later. The wills of the people told of their deep faith and belief in an afterlife with Jesus. Perhaps the greatest value of the Church in the life of people is the comfort given to those left behind when a part of the family dies. They are never really dead in your mind but live on forever in the family to which they belong. Jesus did that and will be forever revered within the Christian faith as the Son of God. We must continue to aim to protect this planet which was God's gift to us as a people to maintain and protect on into the eons that lie ahead God willing. 

Another day in this heat spell as summer slowly works its way towards the Fall. The dog days of August are upon us as the days shorten welcoming us to winter eventually on this continent. 

Breakfast next and then latin. The day begins as usual. Nearly 20,000 steps yesterday; it was a busy day. 

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